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Abraham K.

Incorporación 16 abr 2021


Última actividad 31 may 2023





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Última actividad de Abraham K.

Abraham K. creó un artículo,

ArtículoAyuda con soporte y gestión de tickets

Síntomas del problema

Quiero activar la función de conversaciones secundarias y no veo la opción para activarla en el Centro de administración. ¿Cuáles son los requisitos de suscripción para activar las conversaciones secundarias?

Pasos de resolución

Las conversaciones secundarias es una función disponible en los planes Suite Professional y superiores. Si desea más información sobre los planes y las funciones de Zendesk Suite, consulte el artículo: Acerca de los tipos de planes de Zendesk Suite.

Si falta la opción para activar las conversaciones secundarias, es posible que su cuenta de Zendesk tenga una versión heredada que requiera el complemento Colaboración para acceder a esta función. Para más información, consulte el artículo: Acerca de los complementos heredados de los productos Zendesk.

Descargo de responsabilidad de la traducción: Este artículo ha sido traducido usando software de traducción automática para proporcionar una idea básica del contenido. Se han realizado esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción exacta, sin embargo, Zendesk no garantiza la exactitud de la traducción.

Si surge alguna pregunta relacionada con la exactitud de la información incluida en el artículo traducido, consulte la versión en inglés del artículo, que es la versión oficial.

Editado 05 sept 2023 · Abraham K.







Abraham K. creó un artículo,

ArtículoAyuda con soporte y gestión de tickets


¿Cuál es la diferencia entre la fusión de tickets y los hilos de tickets?


La fusión de tickets se produce cuando los tickets existentes se combinan manualmente. Una fusión de tickets es común cuando se crean dos tickets con el mismo problema. La fusión de tickets creará un comentario en ambos tickets que indicará el evento de fusión y dará como resultado el estado cerrado del ticket fusionado. Si desea más detalles sobre la fusión de tickets, consulte el artículo: Fusión de tickets.

Los hilos de tickets se dan cuando una actualización por correo electrónico entrante se aplica automáticamente a un registro de ticket específico como parte de una conversación en curso.  Si una actualización del ticket parece estar fuera de lugar para la conversación en su ticket, consulte el artículo: ¿Por qué los correos electrónicos llegan al ticket equivocado?

Descargo de responsabilidad de la traducción: Este artículo ha sido traducido usando software de traducción automática para proporcionar una idea básica del contenido. Se han realizado esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción exacta, sin embargo, Zendesk no garantiza la exactitud de la traducción.

Si surge alguna pregunta relacionada con la exactitud de la información incluida en el artículo traducido, consulte la versión en inglés del artículo, que es la versión oficial.

Editado 30 may 2023 · Abraham K.







Abraham K. hizo un comentario,

ComentarioHow to solve issues with the email channel
Hello Marc,

If the email is somehow entered incorrectly notification of this depends on the server for the email domain.  Some will send a "bounce-back" message advising that you have contacted an invalid email address, and if this does happen you would find that message in the Suspended view as it would be detected as an automated sending system (and thus suspended to prevent looping automated responses).  You can find out more about this here:  https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408834888730-Common-issues-with-email-deliverability

If you get most of your traffic by web form submissions from your users the most effective way of making sure typos or blatantly incorrect emails are not getting into your system is to require email verification as a part of the submission process.  This is just a simple message sent to the address of the submitting user asking them to confirm that the email address is correct and they have access to the account.  Once a user profile has the email verified they are not asked to perform that action on future contact with your system.  You can find out more about this option here:  https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408886752410-Verifying-an-end-user-s-email-address

I hope this helps!

Ver comentario · Publicado 06 nov 2021 · Abraham K.







Abraham K. hizo un comentario,

ComentarioTicket basics
Hi CJ, I apologize for the misread on my side for your question.  I've gotten confirmation that the use of the Wildcard (*) operator in that search command does not work standalone.  If you were to have a search command with "custom_field_360015212345:B*" that would return all entries with text that started with B if that were a Text field, but given the context of what you are describing I understand that may not give you the functionality you want.

Ver comentario · Publicado 28 oct 2021 · Abraham K.







Abraham K. hizo un comentario,

ComentarioTicket basics
Hi CJ:  For custom fields there is not an operator that I have found currently active to test for a NULL value in either text or multiple select field types.  Currently search operators only exist to match a specific text string to a text field entry and to search for the presence of a specific tag value from a custom field.

Hi Amelia:  Unfortunately the Twitter handle information from the contact details in a User profile do not populate into search information at all at this time.

Ver comentario · Publicado 28 oct 2021 · Abraham K.







Abraham K. hizo un comentario,

Comentario de la comunidad Q&A - Objects, workspaces, and rules
Hi Suhan,
This may be where building a ticket view would be more reliable for the post-4:30 workflow as that will display all active information in your system without requiring alteration of the ticket data, as opposed to system triggers which would only shift tickets if they received an active update during the "off hours" portion of a programmed schedule.

Ver comentario · Publicado 27 oct 2021 · Abraham K.







Abraham K. hizo un comentario,

Comentario de la comunidad Q&A - Objects, workspaces, and rules
Hi Suhan,
Because time definitions are relative based on timezone there are no direct automation conditions which reference clock time for activation.  Automations also only run once an hour at the start of the hour so there is no guarantee that the automation will start processing exactly at a specified time.
You would likely be best served creating a ticket view that allows your agent that is monitoring things after 4:30 pm full visibility to tickets regardless of who is assigned to the ticket.  This would allow them to see items which still require responses, have replied outside after 4:30 pm, and not disrupt ticket ownership when staff are back the next day.

Another option is to have an office schedule (see https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408842938522-Setting-your-schedule-with-business-hours-and-holidays) set with hours ending at 4:30 pm and a trigger that activates if you are outside of Office Hours when a ticket is updated by a customer response.  You could have the action on this be assigning the ticket to your agent directly, or just sending them an email update to check the ticket.  However, this would only apply to tickets that receive an update when you are outside of business hours and not ticket that have been unanswered or are waiting on action before office hours end.
I hope this helps!

Ver comentario · Publicado 26 oct 2021 · Abraham K.







Abraham K. hizo un comentario,

ComentarioWorkflow best practices and recipes
Hello Jah,
An indefinite reminder set for a specific interval would not be possible as that sort of function would be too easily exploited or just misconfigured to create spam traffic from our systems.  You can modify the automations to have a larger number of reminders, but there must be a finite number of business hours between the last interaction from the customer and when the events run.  The best practice under our current logic and ticket structure is define a point where the ticket will get closed out from non-communication and if they reply after that point our system will be able to build a new Follow-Up ticket that links back to the older request in the system.
Hope this helps you understand things a bit better!

Ver comentario · Publicado 26 oct 2021 · Abraham K.







Abraham K. hizo un comentario,

Comentario de la comunidad Q&A - AI and automation

Hi Patrick,

"Immediate" is a bit inaccurate. Automations run one at a time, checking all non-closed tickets in your system one entry at a time. In a small database this could take less than 30 seconds to do the full run. But as a ticket database gets larger, and as you add more automations, this checking period has the potential to get longer. While this use of a "gap break" trigger may not be needed for most cases and may not be needed if you have limited ticket traffic now, down the road you might run into edge cases that slip through and cause confusion without a trigger like this in place.

Abraham K. | Customer Advocate

Ver comentario · Publicado 22 sept 2021 · Abraham K.







Abraham K. hizo un comentario,

Comentario de la comunidad Q&A - AI and automation

Hi Patrick,

You've got a logic there that I think has a lot of promise, though there is a strong potential for a timing gap with how you have it written. The gap is a potential for between the activation of automation 1 and 2 the end-user may reply in on the open ticket while the tag is present, then it would return to Pending automatically and cause a potential miss. Adding in a trigger that would detect an end-user update while that tag is present and then clear the tag could break this potential automation gap.

I hope this helps!

Abraham K. | Customer Advocate

Ver comentario · Publicado 21 sept 2021 · Abraham K.





