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Ricardo Pinto
Incorporación 14 abr 2021
Última actividad 09 ene 2025
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Información general
Si está usando la API de creación de plantillas del Centro de ayuda v1, v2 o v3 y recopila un número de tarjeta de crédito como parte de su formulario de solicitud de soporte, está usando un campo de tarjeta de crédito estándar. El comportamiento predeterminado para este campo le pide al usuario que ingrese el número completo de la tarjeta de crédito, luego suprime el número antes de enviar el formulario, reemplazando todos los dígitos excepto los últimos cuatro con una "X". El comportamiento de este campo no es compatible con los nuevos requisitos de las PCI DSS , que entrarán en vigencia el 31 de marzo de 2025.
Si puede, actualice el tema a la API de creación de plantillas v4, que usa el helper new_request_form en lugar del helper heredado request_form. Si no puede actualizar a la API de creación de plantillas v4, puede escribir código JavaScript personalizado en su tema v1, v2 o v3 para reemplazar el campo de tarjeta de crédito predeterminado con un nuevo campo de entrada, que solicita solo los últimos cuatro dígitos del crédito tarjeta.
También tendrá que editar el rótulo o la descripción del campo de tarjeta de crédito personalizado en el Centro de administración para indicar a los usuarios que ingresen solo los últimos cuatro dígitos de su tarjeta.
Ejemplo de implementación del campo de tarjeta de crédito personalizado
El campo de tarjeta de crédito predeterminado representado en el helper request_formheredado consta de:
- Un elemento de entrada oculto que agrega el valor al formulario
- Un elemento de entrada de texto visible para el usuario. Cuando el usuario desenfoca el elemento o envía el formulario, el valor ingresado se suprime. El valor suprimido se refleja en la entrada oculta.
Puede escribir código JavaScript personalizado para reemplazar el elemento de entrada de texto con un nuevo elemento de entrada que:
- Solicita solo los últimos cuatro dígitos del número de la tarjeta de crédito, y
- Actualiza la entrada oculta con 9 a 15 “X” seguidas de los últimos cuatro dígitos cada vez que se cambia su valor
De esta manera, el usuario ingresa solo los últimos cuatro dígitos, lo que elimina el formulario del alcance de las PCI DSS. El valor enviado con el formulario sigue siendo un número de tarjeta de crédito suprimido.
Cuando el formulario se procesa después de un envío con errores o cuando se crea un ticket de seguimiento, las entradas contienen el valor ingresado anteriormente, ya suprimido. Por ejemplo, si el usuario ingresa un valor en el campo de tarjeta de crédito y envía el formulario con errores, la página se vuelve a cargar y el formulario muestra el campo de tarjeta de crédito predeterminado con un valor como XXXXXXXXX1234
. El código personalizado debe extraer los últimos cuatro dígitos y establecerlos como el valor del nuevo elemento.
// 4 digits credit card field
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
// Select all text inputs with the class 'partialcreditcardinputfield'
const inputFields =
inputFields.forEach((originalInput) => {
// Locate the adjacent hidden input
const parentElement = originalInput.parentElement;
const hiddenInput = parentElement.querySelector(
if (hiddenInput) {
// Get the relevant attributes from the original input
const id = originalInput.id;
const className = originalInput.className;
const ariaRequired = originalInput.getAttribute("aria-required");
const ariaLabelledby = originalInput.getAttribute("aria-labelledby");
// Create the new input element
const newInput = document.createElement("input");
newInput.type = "text";
newInput.id = id;
newInput.className = className;
newInput.setAttribute("aria-required", ariaRequired);
newInput.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", ariaLabelledby);
newInput.setAttribute("maxlength", "4");
newInput.value = originalInput.value
? originalInput.value.replaceAll("X", "")
: "";
// Add the input event listener to update the hidden input
newInput.addEventListener("input", function (event) {
const value = event.target.value;
hiddenInput.value = `XXXXXXXXX${value}`;
// Replace the original input with the new one
parentElement.replaceChild(newInput, originalInput);
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Si surge alguna pregunta relacionada con la exactitud de la información incluida en el artículo traducido, consulte la versión en inglés del artículo, que es la versión oficial.
Editado 12 nov 2024 · Ricardo Pinto
Ricardo Pinto hizo un comentario,
Hello Thomas D'Hoe . It was indeed agents…or users of the ticketing system more broadly. Thanks for the flag.
Ver comentario · Publicado 27 sept 2024 · Ricardo Pinto
Ricardo Pinto hizo un comentario,
Hello Sally Anne Dishong . That looks like a little glitch that can be solved by clearing the cache of your browser. Thank you.
Ver comentario · Publicado 29 abr 2024 · Ricardo Pinto
Ricardo Pinto hizo un comentario,
Thanks for your feedback Matt Farrington Smith . We are following the design of our zendesk.com pages that has been live for a while now. But I will share your feedback with the designers.
Anastasia Kachanova, I see. Those issues are currently being worked on. I will share your report with our team. Thanks for sharing.
Ver comentario · Publicado 18 abr 2024 · Ricardo Pinto
Ricardo Pinto hizo un comentario,
Hello everyone. Apologies for the delay addressing your comment.
The text box for entering comments on tickets is very small. You can only fit 3 lines of text before you need to start scrolling. This does not seem to be by design, as the text box for community posts resizes as I type. Can we fix the comment box for ticket comments?
There were some recent changes in the My activities page to fix some issues. I am though going to connect with the team regarding the resizing issue. Thanks for the feedback.
Pagination in comments can make it hard to find responses to questions other community members have added. Some of the font sizing is very extreme. Article titles, for example, often take up the entire screen on a standard monitor, but then the text of the article's content is smaller (I think?) than it used to be, making it harder to read without zooming.
Those issues are being addressed as we speak!
PS: Besides not being able to add someone in CC for a Zendesk ticket I also can't solve a ticket anymore now.
This is fixed. Thanks.
I can't see attachments I've added to requests. The first time this happened, I thought it failed so I uploaded again, and the support agent had to tell me that they had all the files.
I'd like to be able to CC folks from my team on the requests page.
Text areas should auto expand or be user expandable on the requests page. The comment box here is expanding as I type, but the requests page doesn't do that.
The font size gap needs to be reeled in. I need to zoom my browser to read comments, but that blows up all the big text too. Changing the comment line height to 1.5 and dropping header font size down to 44px does a world of wonders to even things out.
Those should now be fixed.
On the right sidebar on the request page, under Status there is an Id that doesn't seem to reference one of my orgs, and the Organization name just shows as “Org name”. Looks like some placeholder values might have snuck in.
Great catch. I will bring it over to the Engineers. Thanks.
Comments should show more per page. I got several pages into this and when clicking the vote button, I was prompted to login and lost my place the comment flow and was sent back to page 1.
Hmm…this one is tricky. Let me pass the feedback to the team as well.
Overall things are looking good for what feels like a pretty large update.
Thank you!
Ver comentario · Editado 12 abr 2024 · Ricardo Pinto
Ricardo Pinto hizo un comentario,
Hello everyone. Apologies for the delay addressing all your concerns. We are working hard on fixing some of these issues and in fact some of them no longer happen.
Atanas Tomov Under My activities > Requests, you will only see tickets you have requested with the Zendesk Customer Support team. You can't find any information about Community contributions because that is under My activities > Contributions.

Also, at the time of this comment, I also noticed that you cannot @ mention someone. One more thing I noticed today is that the edit button in Product Feedback posts is not working. It loads for a second and then nothing happens.
Those two should be fixed. But let me know if you see any issue still :).
Ver comentario · Publicado 12 abr 2024 · Ricardo Pinto
Ricardo Pinto hizo un comentario,
Hello, Jill Bragg,
That is indeed not related with the redesign but I have asked the writer to change the link.
Sebastian, we are currently working on fixing the issues in the Requests page.
Richard J, issues with the comment counter are also being worked on. The search results
Thank you all!
Ver comentario · Publicado 29 mar 2024 · Ricardo Pinto
Ricardo Pinto hizo un comentario,
Hello, Ahmed Zaid,
Thanks for taking the time to report these issues.
I am getting much worse search results. There are articles that I know well and I try searching for them but I end up getting irrelevant results.
We are still working on improving the search experience. Our team has just made some changes to the way relevance was set up in the Help Center and the results should now be more relevant.
The comment box was available for me when I was signed out. I forgot to sign in and wrote a comment and kept clicking Post unsuccessfully with no feedback to why this is failing or redirecting me to sign in.
Sorry to hear that. I have logged that issue as something for our engineers to fix.
Sign in does not return to last page. It always returns to /hc/en-us
I am not sure I understood that one. Would you be able to add a little bit more of detail please? Thank you!
Ver comentario · Publicado 28 mar 2024 · Ricardo Pinto
Ricardo Pinto hizo un comentario,
Hello, Molly Katolas and Atanas Tomov. Thanks for raising those issues.
Regarding not being able to access your requests, that issue should be fixed now. Do you want to try again after clearing the cache of your browser? :)
@Atanas, perhaps you could try “My profile” page. There is an Activity overview that should show you everything in the same place.
Ver comentario · Publicado 28 mar 2024 · Ricardo Pinto
Ricardo Pinto hizo un comentario,
Hello, Anastasia Kachanova,
Thanks for your report! I have captured those issues and asked the team to solve them asap.
Ver comentario · Publicado 27 mar 2024 · Ricardo Pinto