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A agent of a specific org, having access to explore can see data of all the orgs of an account or only the org that the agent having ?
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Publication le 03 mars 2021
We have one account which has multiple organizations (say US, UK, Brazil) . Now let say a light agent having one organization associate to it (say US only), having access to explore. Now when the agent is opening explore and seeing any report there without applying any filter there, will he be able to see the data for all the org of the account (here US, UK, Brazil) or will it see only data for (say US only) ?
1 commentaire
Hello Sayan,
The light agent will be able to see data from the other organizations in those dashboards if he has access to them. So in your case the US light agent will be able to see also data from UK and Brazil.
This is explained in this article if needed : Understanding and Setting Light Agent Permissions
Have a nice day