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Automatic Refresh in Views

Non planifié

Publication le 27 mai 2021

We would like to propose an automatic refresh in the Views.

Situation: New or updated requests (tickets) are received and is not being pushed automatically to the appropriate views.

Impact: Some of our teams have very time sensitive SLAs. Each team is different, but some have 15 minute response times or less and deal with a high volume of tickets. They are currently using a lead triage model instead of the play functionality. (Play has a refresh rate of 5 minutes from the documentation which is 33% of one of our current SLAs and could still cause different Support Agents to have tickets appearing in different orders in their views.)

Current workaround: A Support Agent needs to click on each of the views to manually refresh them. This workaround is not very efficient and adds extra stress for our Support Agents.

How we would solve the problem: Add auto-refreshing capabilities similar to gmail.

Thank you for considering our request to help not only our teams but many other Support Agents.






133 commentaire

Views don't automatically refresh in Support.


We have new users transitioning to Zendesk who did not see new tickets due to this shortcoming. We also have strict SLAs. Having to refresh or change views is not a solution for what should have been a basic feature included with the product.  


This feature is critical for time sensitive environment.


So Chrome extension has not been working for a while, as this feature has been requested for nearly a year are we anywhere near having the basic of refreshing the view option?

Without this what is the point in using zendesk? May as well go back to shared mail boxes at least this way we are not constantly missing tickets, delayed support and missing SLA deadlines.

Please fix this! 


Hi team,

Please can we implement this in next update? 

Our tech team are finding it very difficult to keep on top of tickets as they grow in volume, due to this issue/limitation.



CLEARLY Zendesk is ignoring us.  Please upvote this comment.


+1 Vote, its a must have feature


Fresh desk is an option if this isn't going to be fixed. It seems to be a cheaper option and has an inbuilt auto update... 21 day free trial if anyone wants to take a look as it is looking to be a viable option if this isn't something zendesk cannot or will not implement


Daniel Richer Completely agreed. We've already started looking at FreshDesk and their sales team has been super helpful. Freshdesk's auto refresh is a duh-feature ("of course we'd have that") - and some of their features just make more sense / actually work logically - like handling CCs in a ticket, better knowledgebase article support, and more. 


And, Freshdesk has actually consistently added new features - unlike Zendesk, which hasn't changed one thing in years. 




Shane Edwards - Mind sharing where you migrated to? We're interested. 


I vote for this too!  big help to my organization.



We are new to this product in our organization but having an auto-refresh seems like a basic necessity that is just bizarre to not be included.  Think of it like email, would you second guess that Microsoft Outlook wouldn't be showing you email when it arrives?  A ticketing system should work in a similar manner and your dashboard should actively update at least every 30 seconds or so.  As a technician I'm usually involved in other projects and so I glance at my email or tickets to see if anything new has arrived.  If I have to manually intervene then I am going to miss out on replying to a lot of potentially critical issues.  Just offering some hopefully helpful criticism as everything else seems just right and many of us are wanting Zendesk to be the best.


Any update on this? Such a basic feature even I can code that in less than an hour with some easily found tutorial. Just implement it already... Why do we have to manually press the refresh button or change views, stone age stuff. This should be top priority since it is us the customers who are using it very much.


Someone tell them to “refresh” their own ticket screen so they see the last years worth of requests for this function.


image avatar

Bobby Koch

Zendesk Luminary

Incredibly basic


Definitely need it. 


I'm having to keep Outlook open on my second screen so I can see when emails drop and then I know to check our unassigned ticket queue. I honestly can't believe such a basic functionality isn't part of your core product.



This should be standard functionality out of the box.


I added my vote for this too! This is highly needed. Something changed in the last two months and our agents are having to refresh even more than the already too frequent refreshing. It’s intermittent, but for example they can’t even see the latest responses from customers on the tickets without a refresh or going through all the other troubleshooting steps of clearing cache and cookies, checking for updates, restarting their computers, etc. They shouldn’t have to jump through so many hoops to see their tickets. Is the chrome extension for auto-refreshing Zendesk working for others? I saw some comments from last year that those stopped working. I’m curious if that’s been fixed and we can try that as a workaround?


Agreed on the above! Something has changed in the last two months because in addition to needing to refresh for new tickets, there's some type of caching happening where if you click into a ticket, you won't always see new replies/activity. You'd think for a ticketing system, this would be the most basic/important functionality.....



When we first started with Zendesk this feature was available and working well... Then it started going up/down and gone... I agree with everyone that this feature shouldn't be that hard to implement. Cmon Zendesk, you can do it!


Toujours pas fonctionnel, c'est complétement bizarre de ne pas avoir de solution pour l'autorefresh


I deploy the Zendesk solution.
My client finds it inconceivable that an auto refresh the ticket view is not exist.

It' s an important feature of any ticketing system. 

Please help us



"We are currently looking into solving use cases similar to this .....There is no estimated time for a solution to this at the moment. "

Is this still the case? 




Our team recently transitioned to Zendesk and not having an auto-refresh is hampering our ability to meet our SLAs and keep our customers happy without having our agents refresh every couple minutes. Would love to see an update on this.




This is a joke - ZD will NEVER put this feature in.  BYE ZD


for something that cost so much money this is crazy that it isn't standard.


I have missed tickets to many times because of this and it is making my business look slow and inept. this needs to be changed or I will lose money, and if I do so do you.


This is still an issue for us as it has been for many years. Why hasn't this been implemented yet?

We have had to rely on the auto-refresh third-party Chrome extension to provide what should be native functionality. This has side effects though that can cause erratic behaviour in the browser.

The tickets also stopped auto-refreshing along with the views in the last few months and now requires a browser refresh "F5" (this is even without the third-party auto-refresh extension installed or any other extensions for that matter).

That is a lot of manual work from support staff to make sure we don't miss tickets.

We should not have to be installing 3rd party extensions, constantly clearing cookies and cached data and refreshing the browser, just to achieve what should be a base level of functionality.

We are on an enterprise license and deal with a high volume of tickets and can't afford to be relying on manual refreshes to keep on top of tickets, that is what a ticketing system is for!

Please provide a recent update on the progress of this issue as the last communication from the  ZenDesk development team was almost a YEAR ago from Salvador Vazquez on October 6th 2021.


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