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Enabling use of Light Agents in Triggers
Non planifié
Publication le 05 janv. 2021
Our org has recently started using light agents, and the restrictions really don't make sense.
Light Agents should be eligible for triggers and automations. By this I mean, they should both be targetable by role, and eligible in broader triggers as well.
Per this article, Light agents can not be used as conditions in triggers/automation.
This seems like an unnecessary restriction and is also not accurate. Per my own experience, and confirmed by support, it seems that in reality, light agents are actually ignored by all triggers unless they are cc'd on the ticket.
Stepping up an employee from end-user to light agent should only grant additional features/options, not impose new restrictions.
Use-case example:
We would like to be able to automatically apply certain tags or set specific field values in cases where an email-to-case was submitted by a light agent.
Today, this is not possible.
Additionally, when our Light Agents use an email-to-case support address to submit cases on behalf of their customers, we would like to send them a specific notification, but can not do so.
16 commentaire
Travis Tubbs
This is a major limitation for us current as well. We want certain triggers and automations to only occur when the (Current User) or (Requester) is a light agent. But since light agents are considered "agents" in the conditions made available, this is not possible currently.
Agents and Light Agents need to be separated out and not be considered the same when it comes to triggers and automations.
Ahmed Esmat
Strongly need to build triggers around light agents actions.
Iliyan Ganev
That would be a very useful feature indeed
Tracy Leighton
Strongly agree that light agent restrictions are not clearly aligned with most support cases we have. Allowing them to be in a trigger or automation would help.
Marleen de Smet
We need this feature as well. Since light agents forward e-mails to our CS mail adresses we would like the ticket to re-open as soon as an e-mail has been received. Light agents only consult the tickets and do not work in Zendesk. They use their Outlook to respond to an e-mail that was send through a pro-active ticket.
[VI] Julia Laars
"Can't: Be used as conditions in business rules: For example, you can't create a trigger that emails the agent assigned to the ticket when a user who is a light agent comments on it." (Understanding and setting light agent permissions – Zendesk help)
This is exactly what we want to do. It doesn't make any sense that this is not possible as you can select any other agents.
We need this please!
Here to add another +1 to this request.
Joel Mayer
+1 If a Light Agent has updated a ticket with information that's relevant to a ticket, how then should an Agent know that the information is available on the ticket?
I agree with Tyler Tew that being barred from all triggers and notifications is a step backward from simply being CCd. A better option would be to allow limited ability to facilitate internal team processes at least to the level of what a CCd individual can do.
Stacy Robinson
I understand limiting the light agents activity, but I don't think it is unreasonable for admins to be able to create triggers/automations to improve workflow for the light agents. It would make the agent's lives better as well.
Lynn Voie
+1 I am in total agreement with what everyone has stated here. This is really needed for our work flow.
Danny Grabacki
I am in agreement with the larger group here as well! I can't understand why light agents should be restricted targets in triggers. All I want to do is add a simple notification email when they are "@" mentioned on tickets that pops an alert into their inbox. Going to do some digging and see if I can figure out a workaround, but hopefully Zendesk takes action on this!
Any comment on this from a Zendesk Rep???
There seems to be a bit of engagement on this topic. And I am also interested
Tarandeep Gohlar
We thought it would be a good idea for our CSMs to be made light agents in Zendesk (to see and add internal comments to tickets should there be a need).
It was recently found that having them as light agents in Zendesk caused problems with ticket submission and ticket update flows and triggers.
A decision therefore has been made to downgrade them back to End users.
Side note based on our experience: If you are a full agent (paid license), the above limitations are not experiences.
Francesca Roig
Tarandeep Gohlar

Both these issues can be worked around with triggers. I haven't done one for the first case, but for the second, here is how I handle it:
Tarandeep Gohlar
Thanks for your feedback Francesca Roig
I solved the second case with a similar trigger set up as below.

I haven't been able to solved the first case but you've "triggered" me to want to re-visit it again before end of year :)
Shawna James
Hey everyone, thank you for taking the time to provide us with this feedback. We apologize for the delay on our end in providing you with a response to your feature request.
I have touched base with the product team that owns this area and wanted to let you know that at this time we are not able to commit to building this feature. We understand this may be frustrating but wanted to ensure we closed this loop to remain transparent.
At this time we are going to close this post for comment and mark it as “not planned”. If you are interested in learning more about this and other features being built please make sure to check out and follow our Community events, What’s New Community Topic, and Zendesk Updates. Again, we apologize for our delay and appreciate you being a valuable Zendesk Community member.