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How can an internal user tell whether or not they are signed in?
Publication le 24 mai 2021
We're using Enterprise. Certain Guide articles are viewable only by internal users, as set by the "Visible to" drop-down in the article's settings. When an internal user logs in to Zendesk they are initially taken to the same support page that our external users see, but of course when they search the Guide their results will include the additional internal-only articles.
The internal user's login credentials persist in the browser until cleared or until they expire, but as things stand now there is no way for an internal user viewing our main search page to know they are signed in.
Question: What's the best way to configure Guide so that an internal user arriving at our support page can know they are signed in?
4 commentaire
Juraj Jarmek
Hello Tom Richards,
The easiest way would be to just look at the banners to see if they are logged in or not.
When we are not logged in, there should be an option to sign in, like here:
And when we are logged in, we should see in the site who is logged in and we will not see anymore the sign-in button.
Hope that helps.
Tom Richards
Hi JJ. The method you have described works for users who have the privilege of adding or editing Guide articles. These users, however, are part of a user segment that can see articles viewable to them only. When they sign in to Zendesk, they are taken to our main support page, but it looks no different than any user would see, and they have no banner up top. The way to discover they are logged in is that these additional articles pop into their search results, but something on the main search page, such as a banner or an icon, would be useful.
Juraj Jarmek
That would be dependent on the Help Centre theme that you are using.
In the default Copenhagen theme from Zendesk, when an end-user is logged in, this looks like this:
If it is not shown in your theme that a user is logged in with the above settings, I would contact whoever designed your theme to ask if this can be implemented.
Tom Richards
Thanks. That's the route I'm now on.