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CCing external emails on ticket creation (tickets API)

Publication le 17 févr. 2021

So I figured a way to add an external e-mail as a requester on using https://<mydomain> by using the "requester" attribute instead of "requester_id" on the body of the request (which I didn't see on the docs explicitly stated). But I would also like to add external e-mails CCed to the ticket when I create them. I was hoping the following would work but it doesn't. Help would be very much appreciated:

"ticket": {
"subject": "Trying CCs,
"comment": {
"body": "Trying CCs..."
"requester": "",



2 commentaire

Even if I add actual user ids to "email_cc_ids" they don't get added to the ticket...



You can use the collaborators object to add external users as CC'd users in the ticket. Below is the sample code. You can also check this article which describes different options for adding CCs and followers to a ticket.


"ticket": {

"subject": "Adding CCs",

"comment": {

"body": "Adding CCs"


"collaborators": [




"requester": {

"name": "name",

"email": ""




Hope this helps.




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