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Can we have the email address change for explore

Publication le 13 mai 2021

I need the ability to change this email address to my organization email address when we send any report to the users, I need it to say sender is support and not zendesk



3 commentaire

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Walter Bellante

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello Abhishek Chandranaik,
thanks for sharing your feedback about how dashboards are scheduled.

I see your point about having the ability to set custom email addresses when scheduling dashboards. While this isn't planned to be supported in the near future, can you please share some examples of why you would need to have the address customized?





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Stephen Belleau

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

For us, this would be preferred for branding purposes. For the same reason that you are sending from instead of

Also if we could select a support address, it could allow us to schedule dashboards to internal distro lists that only accept mail from company domain. But for now we have workarounds using forwarding rules.


For us, some customers do not allow the domain of as the URL is not valid. If we can change this, they will receive the scheduled reports.

We are talking about Fortune 500 customers. They have strict email policies and they can hardly be changed.


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