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Creating, managing, and using organizations
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Publication le 28 juil. 2021
Sorry if this is a dupe, but didn't show up in a search...
As discussed in the ability to only allow "Add Comments" at the Org level and not per-user feels backwards.
The usual request we get is that a select few admins at our customers want to be able to edit all tickets, and they are happy to have all users view all tickets, but never the other way around.
10 commentaire
Heather Rommel
Hi Chris,
Isn't that provided at the User level here? Maybe I'm misunderstanding your use case.
Chris Malarky
Hi @...,
The second option there, "Can view tickets from user's org", allows that specific user to view any ticket in the Org, but not add any comments.
If you do it at the Org level, once you have said that all Org users can view all tickets, you also get the option to allow them to add comments too.
This means that you have three options:
What we're looking for is the ability to allow some users to view and update all, and at the same time allow all users to view (basically giving more privileges to a small amount of users).
I've gone and tested again, just to be sure, and if you set an individual user to "Can view tickets from user's org", they definitely cannot add comments.
Heather Rommel
Ah, Chris Malarky
Yes, you're right on this -- thanks for clarifying. I agree with your use case and have upvoted this post! I hope others do the same.
Have a great weekend.
Chris Malarky
Great, thanks Heather, and the same to you!
Scott Patterson
It is crazy to me that the only way currently to allow an Admin for an org to add comments easily through the interface is to allow EVERY USER to be able to view and comment on every ticket under that org.
Please extend the functionality that already exists at the org level to instead be set at a user level.
Rico Pagliuca
Big time +1 to this. The org features in ZD are not well suited to internal management structures where, in our case, store level and GM users submit tickets that Area Managers want to be able to comment on. But Area Managers submit tickets we should never let lower levels see details on.
Paul Grajek
Completely agree. We have a large customer that needs to have 1 person view and comment on all tickets, but we'd rather not expose all tickets to all users.
Lydia Forsyth
Would love this feature - we have leaders who oversee a team and need to be able to comment on their teammates requests, right now it's frustrating that they can see the request, but not be able to provide more context on it.
Shawna James
For future reference, I want to point you in the direction of our product feedback template which has been designed by community members and PM's to help users provide as detailed feedback as possible so that our teams can understand and highlight the most important aspects of your product feature request. You don't need to make any changes now but wanted to make sure you had this template for your reference for future posts!
For others who may be interested in this feature request, please show your support by upvoting the post or adding your specific use case in the comments. Thank you again for taking the time to provide us with your feedback!
Alina Wright
Hi all, PM from roles and permissions here. This is a request we'll continue tracking but don't have the capacity to take on right now with our 2024 roadmap.