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Adding A Second Support Email For A Canadian Group/Team

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Publication le 10 juil. 2021


I have Organizations created for a US team and a Canadian team of agents (, VS

From what I understand, I need to add the to Channels>Emails, but I'm unsure if I need to use 'Connect external address', 'Create new Zendesk address', or 'Connect other' when adding this new Canadian email address. 

I'm trying to route all tickets sent to, to a View for those Canadian agents to work out of. I would be creating a Group of agents to then belong to the Canadian Organization so that they would see New tickets come into the 'New - Canada' View we created. 

Please let me know which option I should use when adding the to our Channels>Email Support addresses panel, as well as any other steps I should take to ensure the agents in the Canada Group get those New tickets in the Canada View. Thank you so much!


With gratitude,




1 commentaire

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Chandra Robrock

Most Helpful - 2021Community Moderator

Hi Zach! Based on what you've described, it sounds like you ultimately want to create a new Zendesk email address rather than connect an existing external email address (ie. a Gmail email your Canadian team already uses outside of Zendesk). Is that correct? If so, you'll want to follow the steps in this help article under the header 'Create new Zendesk address.'

Once you've created this new Zendesk address, you can then setup a trigger to route any emails sent to that new email address ( to the Canada Group in Zendesk. This help article should be a great resource for you when it comes to setting up a trigger to route these tickets. 

Assuming the 'New - Canada' View you created is setup to show tickets assigned to the Canada Group, this would allow those emails to show up in that view.

Hope that helps point you in the right direction!


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