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Zendesk, Service Now integration
Publication le 12 août 2021
Is there any app/way through which I can integrate zendesk with service now ?
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Publication le 12 août 2021
Is there any app/way through which I can integrate zendesk with service now ?
10 commentaire
Eric Nelson
Hey there,
Looks like this is possible via using Otherwise this could be accomplished via a custom app utilizing Zendesk and Servicenow's API.
Hope this helps!
Eric Nelson, thanks for the info. I've never heard about yet, I've used exalate/workato. currently using zigiops for a number of reasons. but i guess the market is full of options.
Cornerstone Automation Systems Inc, hope you've resolved your use case.
Jacob Bailey
Hi All,
We have managed to get Zendesk to talk to Service Now with no extras.
We have it set that once an email comes in and a ticket is opened a trigger send a reply to the customer informing them of such.
When Zendesk sends out this reply there is, at the bottom of the email the the customer would receive some white text. If Service Now ensures that this white text is captured and added into the body of any reply the send it will always update the correct Zendesk ticket.
This is all that is needed as Zendesk will reply and update on Service Now side with little issue.
This also works with tickets Zendesk opens to Service Now, the white text need to be captured and added to the replies sent from Service Now.
Moshe Anisman
Jacob Bailey not clear - ANY white text? how would Zendesk know the ticket to update based on the white text that was included in the ServiceNow email sent ?
Jacob Bailey
Moshe Anisman
When a ticket is generated by Zendesk and an email sent out, at the bottom of the email is some white text that Zendesk adds.
If this is lifted by service now and added to the bottom on the replys sent [by serivce now] then it will update the correct ticket on zendesk.
Marwan Al Jeburi
Cornerstone Automation Systems Inc,
There are some great ways to integrate the two platforms. It would be very helpful if you could provide a high level description of your desired integration and what you would like to send and receive from the two platforms. As this would be a great starting point to find the right solution.
I can however surely recommend a solution that would offer you a very flexible and powerful integration solution where you can mould the integration to your needs and requirements.
Have a look at Exalate. Also do let us know if you need any further help or assistance.
Emil Susort
Jacob Bailey
Thank you for your input. Do you have any more info on how the configuration is done in Service now?
Moshe Anisman
Marwan Al Jeburi Indeed - Exalate seem to have a solution. We are working with them. Thanks !
Craig Chamberlain
I came across this looking for something else but thought i'd chime in here even though this is old. I may create a new thread for this if people find this helpful.
I noticed that Zendesk customers are very confused about how to connect with third party systems aka, integrating, and I am/was one of these confused customers. Third party solutions seem to be suggested by Zendesk agents. To keep it in house, the solution that I found, painstakingly after many hours of research i might add, involves ZIS flow. ( Also front end app for OAuth Authorization button, if third party system is requiring OAuth).
You can learn a lot about ZIS flows here..
So I set up two ZIS flows and one client side app. (ZIS was rather confusing to learn so if anyone is doing this, use the ZIS playground, amazon docs for AWS Step Functions, and some JQuery resource, in conjunction with the Zendesk docs. )
ZIS Flow On Ticket Creation Event
This goes through a series of steps and results in a ticket in the third party system. For my use case, we connected with ServiceNow. This involved roughly the following...
Comment Added Zendesk Event
I hope this helps shed some light on this for some people. I can't say for sure if this was the correct way of doing things or not but it's how my company is integrating and this is the result of countless hours of learning through trial and error.
Good luck!
Michael Tomar
Third-party services can be used to integrate Service Now and Zendesk. For example, you can use the Skyvia cloud service. No coding platform with a freemium version