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Chat Concurrency : Explore reporting is an incomplete replacement for Insights
Publication le 28 nov. 2019
We use the chat concurrency data in insights. The data is so far unavailable in Explore. We use this data extensively to manage agent performance, with the move to Explore at the end of 2020, it is so far not replacing features that we depend on to manage our operation. We are therefore losing key metrics and features with the change.
59 commentaire
Clay Turk
Hi Dawn,
We are loading all available data, so your account's historical data will be present as well. The documentation is being finalised now and will be shared once ready. The dataset will provide the MIN/MAX/AVG chat concurrency per agent, per hour, along with other agent level attributes.
College Ave Student Loans
Hello, is the report available?
Dawn Anderson
Hi @...
Is there an update on this please including if documentation is ready, can see we still haven't got it in our instance yet?
Nate Fritz
Hi @...!
I realize that this metric might not be available yet since it's not technically the end of the week, but once it does show up, where will we find it in Explore?
Clay Turk
Hi everyone,
Unfortunately we have run into an issue loading older data, and are working through this with the Chat team at the moment. We don't have a new ETA just yet, but will post here once we do.
As for the dataset itself, we will be adding it to the existing Zendesk Chat dashboard, as well as providing a net new dataset. Once the dataset has been loaded for your account you will see this new tab in the default Zendesk Chat dashboard:
Dawn Anderson
Hi @...
Any update on this please? Insights is not deactivated so we have no visibility of this data.
Shane Monaco
Hi Clay Turk,
Our Reporting team is looking for this dataset as well. Is there any update or ETA on release?
Thank you
Hi @...,
Hopefully, there's some good news on the availability. This metric is extremely important as we need to forecast our capacity and also understanding our agent's efficiency.
Ethan C.
Matt Salas
We're still not seeing this new dataset. Any updates?
Matthew Taylor
Hi Clay Turk
Will the concurrent dataset be available via the API when the new data set is released?
Ramona F
Hi Dawn! Any update regarding this topic? When we will be able to see the MIN/MAX/AVG chat concurrency per agent, per hour, along with other agent level attributes. Thank you!
Dawn Anderson
Hi @... - I'm waiting like you on this :)
@... - any updates please as it's been quiet on this front for a while now.
Clay Turk
Hi all,
We are still working through issues with the Chat APIs, but due to be testing the latest change this week. If all goes well we should be able to provide a more meaningful update around timing shortly thereafter. We really appreciate your patience here, and will post an update as soon as possible.
Clay and the Explore team
Vadim Kotenko
Hi Clay,
Do you have any new ETA when the chat concurrency dataset will be available?
Clay Turk
Hello everyone,
I am happy to finally report that we are rolling this dataset out as I type this. We are doing a staggered rollout, and have completed ~30% of accounts so far. Once all data has been loaded we will enable a new pre-canned dashboard tab in the existing Chat dashboard. I will post a link to documentation here when everything is ready.
Yvonne Au
Hi @...
Just wondering if there were any updates on the rollout progress as I still cannot see the dataset on our account?
Many Thanks.
Shane Monaco
Hi All
Is there any documentation on this new dataset that you can provide?
Thank you
Erin O'Callaghan
Hi Shane Monaco, yes there is! The Chat Concurrency dataset section of the Metrics and attributes for Zendesk Chat article has the details about this new dataset.
Clay Turk
Hi everyone,
We are aiming to complete loading the dataset for all accounts by the 17th of December. As we are progressively loading, some accounts will already have the dataset and can use it to create custom dashboards. The default dashboard for this dataset will be released once all accounts have been loaded.
Clay Turk
Hi all,
We had delays due to the holidays and an end of year code freeze. However, we are back on track now, and at the moment loading is estimated to be completed by the end of the month.
Kelsa Henry
Hi Clay,
I thought I should also put this feedback on this dataset here on your radar as the product manager.
I'm glad that this data set is finally rolled out. My concern is however the number of fundamental /obvious limitations with it.
1) Unable to view by Department
We are unable to view/filter this chat concurrency by department. My account has over 20+ department, 1.5k agents - working in various departments. How can I simply view average concurrency at a departmental level?
2) Unable to view this Chat Concurrency in relation to Agent Maximum Chat Limit Set on their Profile.
Each agent had a Chat Limit set on their profile. How can I view their chat limit and other metric e.g. average wait time, number of chats served in relation to their Chat concurrency? That way I can easily determine trends ect.
3) Dataset rendering 0 values results
According to the definition - the dataset should render results for agents who had AT LEAST ONE chat WITHIN THE HOUR. The below is for days of the month yet it renders below 1. My question is why are we seeing 0.56, 0.45 for example in our results? What does that mean? Is this even rendering accurate information? See below.
"Chat Concurrency dataset
The Chat Concurrency dataset contains metrics and attributes that relate to your agents’ handling of concurrent chat engagements. We only show data for agents who had at least a single chat within the hour. Chat agents who were signed in and available but did not accept any chats will not be reflected.
Your feedback, solutions and their timelines on this would be greatly.
CJ Johnson
The top level comment has changed and no longer has the dates that were present previously, about agent activity, which, if I recall were listed as scheduled to go live in Q2 2022. Can we get an update on when agent activity will be included? This is the thread that I've been told to watch for these updates in.
Dave Dyson
The current state of the Agent Activity and Agent Concurrency tabs are documented here:
Are you talking about agent activity data that's not included there? Just want to make sure I understand. Thanks (and sorry if that's an aggravating question)
CJ Johnson
Hi @...,
That's correct, I'm talking about reporting on what hours an agent was online for chat, and what times did that status change throughout their shift.
Stephen Belleau
Kelsa Henry +1 to your fantastic post. We have all of the same questions and concerns.
For anyone else who comes along, I'll share some of what I found after doing some digging.
1) Unable to view by Department
This would be really nice to have natively. If you are in desperate need of this though, you have a couple of options.
- Are your chat agents-to-departments 1:1? If so, create a custom Group attribute for Agent Name. You can group each agent together in the appropriate department and use that as a row/column or filter.
- If your agents are many-to-one, you can look at creating custom Set attributes for Agent Name instead. Unlike custom group, you would need a separate Set per department. Using a Set in this way will restrict the query to agents within that set, so unfortunately you can only look at a single department per query.
Obviously these require constant maintenance as agents come and go, so it's really not ideal. But it's something ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2) Unable to view this Chat Concurrency in relation to Agent Maximum Chat Limit Set on their Profile.
Right - potentially a similar workaround to the above using custom group attributes.
I'm not the best at math. I don't know if dividing by chat limit is actually what you want to do. But hopefully someone finds this useful.
3) Dataset rendering 0 values results
cc: @...
I found a couple of things to be particularly "off" here.
1. From what I can tell, minimum concurrency is always 0 if the agent had even a single minute during the hour with 0 chats. That could be pulling down the average and explains Kelsa Henry's chart where every date has an avg of less than one.
Mind you, I don't think it would be appropriate for minimum to be at least 1 either. What if the agent did spend the majority of the hour with 0 chats and only got one at the end? Either way, we need more granularity. Checking concurrency once per hour simply cannot provide meaningful data.
Okay, let's look at the opposite end of the scale. I found that the maximum concurrency was frequently HIGHER than the agent's actual chat limit. After some digging, and comparing against chat history for those specific hours, I see two issues:
1. When chats are queued, as soon as the agent's chat ends, they are routed a new chat. Because this happens in the same minute, it is counted as concurrent even though they actually are subsequent.
2. Perhaps the more serious flaw and hopefully the easier one to fix - I observed that the concurrency appears to be measured by the chat's start time! NOT when the agent actually joined the chat!
@... You mentioned some potential upcoming fixes to some calculation issues. Is this by chance on your radar already? Can you clarify what those fixes will be?
CJ Johnson
I am aware of something that was launched recently for people on Zendesk Enterprise Suite only, but also was pulled immediately down and not returned. Additionally, it had *no* historical status data, only the "live" status. Are there any updates on when Explore Professional users will be able to see the historical agent status for chat data?
Thanks for the link, but none of the things in that "agent activity" link are what I have been waiting on. Again, this was called out in the pinned note:
CJ Johnson
We're now days away from the end of Q2. Are there any updates on when the promised chat dataset for reporting agent statuses will be released?
CJ Johnson
@... Any chance we could get an update on when agent status will be available?
CJ Johnson
It's now Q4, could you please let us know what Zendesk's plan is? Is this still even on the roadmap?