Zendesk Talk: Allow Reporting on Agent Availability


Publication le 28 nov. 2018

At this time, only real time reporting is available for Agent availability in the Talk Dashboard.  It would be store this data so that the agent Total Online Time and Time Available can be tracked. With the current functionality, it requires someone to log in at the end of day (not ideal when you have coast to coast support) to retrieve the day's metrics manually.

Unsure if this topic was posted, but wanted to follow up on this thread initiate 2 years ago - https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115006250347-Can-I-report-on-agent-availability-in-Zendesk-Talk-



215 commentaire

Hi team, 

As mentioned by Karen, "To re-iterate on the timelines, we will be looking at a release in q4" - Could we have any update on the release plan? Once it's released, can we take that it's possible for us to get the available metric to show the availability of agents by date, for example, how long an agent has been online/away for that day?


Has a legitimate ETA been announced?


Karen Hynes Any update on this vital reporting function for call centers? 


Hi has this feature been released? If not yet, do we have a target live date?


@Zendesk please provide us with updates on this matter. 


Is there any movement on this? We really need to see which agents have been “available” on phones and for how long, without having to check it every day. Call avoidance is a big issue and we need to know which agents are doing their jobs and which aren’t. This is especially important on the weekends when there isn’t a manager online to check these metrics every day.


Karen Hynes many people eagerly awaiting an update on this. Again IMO this should not be a planned feature but a mandatory function of your Talk module - is this close to completion? Can you keep us updated and set our expectations here?


Zendesk's silence on this issue is mind boggling! Are you so comfortable with your customer base's INABILITY to 'churn' that you've chosen to just not update them on what is an obvious hot spot and pain point to so many?

There are now just over 2 weeks left in Q4 2022. If Zendesk had any chance of this getting into a final sprint for the year they'd know by now yet...radio silence. 

I, for one, will be looking to move away from Zendesk if this issue is not addressed. I don't care what the pain will be for me and my organization, I just can't continue to do business with an, ahem, "partner", that refuses to share information on something important. At this point I don't know what is worse' the missing functionality that is crippling our ability to manage our business or the lack of respect to communicate with the customer base.



It's the end of Q4, should we expect delivery within Q1 2023




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Casey Eisenberg

Zendesk Luminary

Is Zendesk still targeting a release for Q4? Our managers are desperate for this reporting.

UPDATE - I like others reached out to their support team about this issue, they have no ETA



With 3 days left in the year I imagine this is not going to happen. An updated, realistic release date would be appreciated. I have been discussing this feature with the team and want to make sure that I set realistic expectations for them regarding the software we are paying for. 


MineralTree | Support 
I submitted a ticket to their support team with a high priority. I feel bad doing that, as I personally dislike when our clients inflate an issue just to get more attention/jump the line, but I agree that the majority of us are pretty frustrated that there hasn't even been a check-in to tell us its getting pushed.... again. 

  • UPDATE (12/28): Their Support team basically said, "Ill check in with the Talk team about getting you an update" but when pressed on when I should expect to receive that, they said "There is not a typical ETA on this type of question, even outside the holiday." So while I'm sure the agent assisting me is nice and doing what they can, I have no hope.
  • UPDATE (1/4): Reached out to their Support Team again on my ticket. Response was "No updated from the Talk team but I'll follow up with them on Friday. They said they'd try to give me an update within a week."

We also are prepared to switch vendors, as the absence of these key management data points make it difficult for us to justify continued cost; when other vendors, in similar price ranges, have these basic reporting and management features out of the box.

For a company who sells their products based on the claim that they make providing quality and effective customer service a breeze, they sure don't lead by example and are further proving that's not enitrely true...


Very excited about the launch of this feature, any update on the timeline of release? I saw the pinned post above saying Q4 launch was the goal.  Talk is our biggest communication channel so this is really important for our organization.


Upvote! What is the update from q4 research?


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Jordan Forsythe

Zendesk Luminary

Will this also allow us to report on agent status with omnichannel routing? 


When is this critical (for efficiency) functionality will be released? seems very basic


This is arguably one of the most important metrics for basic monitoring, when are we going to get more information and less empty promises?

If it's not a priority for your team for some strange reason then at least tell us. 


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Karen Hynes

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi all, 

I want to provide an update to let you know that this feature is still a high priority for our team and it has been the top priority since we started working on it's development. Unfortunately, we have come across a number of obstacles along the way and as a result I regret that we have had to delay our timelines. Please be assured, this is not from a lack of effort from our teams. We are working constantly on this feature and we aim to release this once we have all the blockers ironed out. 

I want to reiterate that this has not and will not drop priority. I really appreciate this is a pressing feature for your teams and we are working extremely hard to meet this need. This is a high priority roadmap item that is currently under bug fixing and we will announce an EAP launch date once that is complete.

Thank you all for your cooperation and all the feedback.



Karen Hynes You have not answered the question being asked over and over again here. What is the timeline? Do you understand that this reporting not being available, affects the customer's ability to report to their own stakesholders? Do you understand that we have to keep telling our organizations "So sorry I know we said we'd have this, but Zendesk has not released it again despite the promises we mentioned them making to release it by now, last meeting." Please, tell us the updated timeline. 

Also - Are you going to be refunding any of your customers for not having provided any accurate chat reporting for over 2 years on the product now?


Karen Hynes I appreciate the update but I think we would all appreciate a more timely, regular status update on this sort of issue. As important as this functionality is for you it means far more to us. I, for instance, based upon the promise of a Q4 delivery, made plans and made promises to my boss to be able to track this information more closely and to report it back to our executive staff. I now have to go back to them and reneg on this. It would've been an easier pill to swallow had someone from Zendesk chose to update us in a more real time manner.

"Set Expectations/Meet Expectations" is my mantra and that of many other Support Managers that I talk to. It is not asking a lot to expect (ironically) the vendor of our incident tracking system to do the same. I'm sure that Zendesk knew some time ago that the Q4 deadline wasn't going to be made but still chose to keep silent to all the inquiries .

I'm meeting next week with my Zendesk account manager. The plan was to move our 50+ licenses from Professional to Enterprise. I will have a hard time making this business case to my executive staff as I also deliver the message that this most basic reporting functionality that was promised to us in Q3, then Q4 has been downgraded to TBD. 


MineralTree | Support, I share the same struggle. Upgrading an account when I've reported missing some basic functionalities for months now. I have a new Account Manager and plan to bring this up next week but I've done so in the past with no luck or true focus on Zendesk Talk functionality. 


Karen Hynes

Thanks for the update!

While telling us it's a priority is great and I'm certain you're being truthful with what you're told by the Zendesk Development team, I think we're all looking for something more concrete and specific (or at the very least, that you'll update us more frequently along the way and respond to our questions). We're looking for Zendesk accountability. While the lack of these reporting metrics are a certainly a tremendous void for us, our growing frustration is beginning to come equally from the lack of follow up from the Zendesk Team in regards to it's release. We need the feature, but if you can't commit on the feature, can you at least commit to a set communication schedule on this post (such as once weekly/bi-weekly) regarding it's detailed status?

Something along the lines of "We're aiming for release by February15th, but I will update you once weekly with the status!" Providing us a status (such as 'on track', 'at risk' and/or 'expected to be pushed' (and providing us with a new target date) would be hugely appreciated by everyone and at least allow us to plan, prepare and take this info to those who we may report to (as MineralTree | Support mentioned).



You have to understand how difficult you make our lives at work with not delivering on your promises.

We as Zendesk administrators are the "face" of this product inside our companies, so to speak. Each and every internal stakeholder is requesting changes from us and is constantly asking for updates from us. We do not have control over the changes, so we are asking you. You promise something and we forward this promise to the stakeholders. Then they are coming back to us in a few months and we keep pushing the promised timeframe further and further, because you haven't delivered.

This is affecting OUR personal accountability in front of our managers and stakeholders and there is nothing WE can do, because of you as a company! It makes us look bad and our hands are tied.

At least do not promise something that you know are not going to deliver.


Yanko Chakarov


Sometimes I have doubts that we are living in 2023...

How you can imagine Customer Support software pretending to be "Champions of Customer Service" without basic reporting on what your employees are doing? 


Karen Hynes Baring in mind this thread is open 4 years and still no further clarity on when this will be available, I am looking at alternative suppliers. I do not fancy moving into yet another year without this very basic, standard metric reporting. One of your competitors has been in contact with me and they have this reporting functionality along with almost every other feature of Zendesk and then some, all for almost half the price of what we currently pay Zendesk. You're making this decision very easy. 


Barry O'Connell - same here, started looking for alternatives... can you share the name of the competitor? if easier rami@streamelements.com - thanks


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Tom Erik Skjønsberg

Zendesk Luminary

Barry O'Connell

I'm in the same boat. Instead of presenting a proposal for upgrading our Zendesk account it will be a presentation of which products that are available as alternatives.

After avoiding questions, pushing timelines, lying about EAP being skipped, talking about "obstacles" in development on a 5 year old request and then the last update being to promote a webinar I can only assume is a joke, asking for feedback about what we want. There is really nothing more I can say to defend not looking at who we should switch to.


Today is 26th of February 2023 and there is still no announcement an EAP launch date. How much shall we wait? This is really frustrating. Companies like Tymeshift have launched free plans, why should we use third party to accomplish something that should be a core feature of Zendesk Support? 


I purchased Tymeshift as a solution on the suggestion of our Account Manager. After months of configuration and teaching agents to punch in and out, we are still not seeing value for money from this purchase. It is not a solution to Agent Availabillity reporting. Antonio Naddeo


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