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Ability to schedule a single report

Non planifié

Publication le 22 avr. 2020

Hi There, 

I'd like to throw my hat in the ring here for an Explore feature request. 

Request: The ability to be able to schedule a single report to be delivered to an agent/admin; in the event the report lives on a dashboard where multiple reports live, maybe even over multiple tabs within that dashboard. 

I ran into an issue where I set up a dashboard to display some reports for particular ticket forms for external reasons. I put each different form report on a separate tab within 1 dashboard, so as to prevent 5 different dashboards from being created. I then set up 5 different schedules for each report on a different tab, in the hopes it would just send the report on that particular tab to the recipients on the schedule. It did not. It sent all 5 reports across all 5 tabs in the email which was sent out via the schedule. 

There needs to be a way to schedule/deliver reports on the report level itself, instead of relying on the report living within a dashboard to send it. 

Hopefully this is something the Explore team can improve on sooner rather then later as it's something which Insights can do. 



12 commentaire


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Eugene Orman

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi everyone, thank you for your great feedback here. We hear you and understand that the Report scheduling feature should be added to Explore. Currently, we are working on multiple large projects in parallel, like the New Dashboard Builder and New Report Builder. We don't have the bandwidth to work on another large project like Report schedules this year but it is something we keep in mind for the following years. 


Hi @..., many thanks for sharing this pain point.

I understand that you may want to only send out a few tabs when creating a schedule - as the recipient may not need the entire story that is told in the full dashboard.

There are a couple of issues we are considering to address in order to optimize the number of dashboards & schedules needed:

  • Enabling you to select what tabs should be sent out
  • Making sure the content adjusts based on each recipient

I unfortunately do not have an ETA yet. We'll revert as soon as plans firm up.

Kind regards



We would also be interested in the ability to share a specific tab of a dashboard as well as the ability to have a dashboard adjust based on the recipient.

In our use case, we want to send out individualized reports to our agents without having to have separate dashboards for each agent.  For example, the report might contain a summary of the work the agent has done over the past week and their specific KPIs in comparison to the team's overall performance.

It would be great to be able to have a single dashboard that updates to only show data for the specific user who is viewing the dashboard.  We'd also like to be able to schedule the dashboard to be sent to all users on the team but for each individual to only receive results pertaining to themselves.


We also need this feature as almost none of our users need to see every tab on the dashboards we have.


OMG yes. How is this not a function already? I find it incredibly hard to believe. 

I will basically need to make a new dashboard for every single report I want to schedule. Crazy. 

e.g. Online CS team, I should be able to have one dashboard and a variety of tabs... that cover different areas/issues. I have one tab for 'live metrics', another for 'annual reviews', another for weekly team catchup, 'weekly KPI reports', monthly KPI reports etc. 

I want to be able to share specific tabs to specific people/groups e.g. weekly/monthly KPI reports are for C-Suite / executives and only those. They will not have time to learn how to engage with a dashboard, they just want the reports/PDF exports to come through so they can discuss... the fact I can't schedule that, but would have to now have just ONE TAB PER DASHBOARD as the only way to schedule is going to get very complicated/messy very quickly. 

A real shame. The fact that Insights could do this, and Explore can't - utterly mind-blowing. 


Is there any update from a Zendesk Product manager on this one? I see it's now marked as planned. Any ETA?


Hi team,

I may be seeing things, but I believe I received a scheduled email - that included the entire dashboard... with the many tabs, all incorporated into one pdf ;o. Plus the other options.

Can anyone else kindly confirm? 

Maybe this was a default dashboard (it was), and this is not yet working for custom dashboards? 


I still don't think this is available as an option after almost 2 years - I would expect this to be a basic function of reporting.

Can we get an ETA on when this will be possible to save us having to separate each report dashboard into its own dashboard?




2 years in the planning now! what's happening?


Any update on this?


Sending a report on a schedule basis that is incomplete is useless.  I need report scheduler to WAIT for the report to be complete before making the pdf OR let me write my on cronjob and sql query again my data as the aging report I wrote is super simple ticket detail by > 30-days report.   I want this as a timestamp locked with real data for performance goals e.g. NO TICKETS older than 30-days.  The export to pdf is a timestamp of proof if performance goals were or were not met by an agent each month and goes into there status reports.  Why do they or I have to pull this report manually... automation pretty please. 


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