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Feature Request: Add Community Tips and Tricks Section/Topic to Zendesk Develop HC

Publication le 06 juin 2020

Feature Request:

Add Community Tips and Tricks Section/Topic to Zendesk Develop HC


Currently, in the Zendesk Develop Community, there are only Sections and Topics to Ask Questions. There does not seem to be a place to post Tips and Tricks. 

There are several Tips and Tricks that would be great additions to the Zendesk Develop Community if there were a place to post them. 


There wasn't a really good place to post this in the Feedback Sections as there is not an option that is really specific to Zendesk's use of their own platform. 

Also, linked here



1 commentaire

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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Alejandro,

Thanks for taking the time to share this feedback with us! This is definitely worth considering and I'll follow-up with our team internally to discuss further.



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