Find and replace
Publication le 05 mai 2021
It seems off that there's no 'find and replace' feature in Zendesk Guide. The editor is very limited in terms of what it can do, is this on the roadmap?
Publication le 05 mai 2021
It seems off that there's no 'find and replace' feature in Zendesk Guide. The editor is very limited in terms of what it can do, is this on the roadmap?
76 commentaire
Sorin Alupoaie
Great news everybody! The find and replace feature was implemented in our new Help Center Manager app. Now you can replace any outdated word or phrase across the entire help center, or just a subset of articles.
There are many other useful features included such as duplicate articles, link checker, media library.
The app is approved and available on App's Marketplace: check it out here.
Mark Rickard
I've inherited a knowledge base that was copied from a Wordpress implementation. There was code in Wordpress for blockquotes that I could easily convert to blockquote in the source code on a global scale using a Global Find and Replace, if it worked on source code as opposed to the editor.
Saikumar Rachamalla
We want to delete a note from 1000+ articles. We don't find an option to do this in bulk. The note is the same across all the articles. Any ETA on this feature? Please suggest the best possible approach, if you have any. Thanks!
Shana Blackstone
We started using the 3rd party app that Sorin mentions in these threads to find and replace. It's working quite well and is quite affordable. It sucks to have to use another application for something this basic but it was worth it for us rather than waiting. It also has the benefit of showing broken links along with all of the media we added.
Lisette Gerald-Yamasaki
We just had a corporate style change, from one product name to another. 94% of our Guide articles are impacted. It would really help to have a find and replace function across all articles.
Ahmed Dahy
We are rebranding some of our services and systems, we have many articles that the find and replace will become very handy
Noam Sharkany
I see this is from 2021, do we have any news about this?
Katarina KochKatarzyna Karpinska - is there any update on your very exciting comment from last October?
Are the new rich editting tools planned to be released before the end of the year or do you have a timeline for when this will be available?
Katarzyna Karpinska
Hi Stephen,
Thanks for your question. In 2022 we've been working hard on building the Content block editor (e.g. adding different tools to work with images) and we still have a few improvements in our plans (e.g. new tables). Once it's done we'll be expanding this functionality to the article editor and moving to more advanced features mentioned in my previous post.
Great - thank you so much for the feedback! :)
Wonderful to hear.
Chris Gregory
Hi Katarzyna Karpinska ,
I just wanted to voice my support for this feature. As an admin, I would like to support my guides admin so that they can use their time to effectively curate valuable support content in our help center rather than spending time on repetitive work that should be automated to some extent. We have several re-brands in the works at the moment and this functionality would really help make brand name update a more manageable task. I really hope we will see this coming out some time in Q1 23.
Rich Talbot
Is Find and Replace live now? I don't see it in Guide and could really use it! Above, it was mentioned this would be implemented in 2022 which has come and gone.
Katarzyna Karpinska
Hi Rich Talbot,
No, it's not live. Unfortunately, we had to reprioritize our work last year and did not have time to look into this improvement. We don't have a timeline for when it will be picked up again at this point in time.
Nicola Hrynko
Katarzyna Karpinska is there any update of this "find and replace" functionality?
Katarzyna Karpinska
Hi Nicola Hrynko, it is not on our short-term roadmap at the moment.
Aileen D
Hey folks, any update on this? Would love to see a find and replace feature for Zendesk Guide.
Like what our PM has mentioned, it's not currently in the roadmap. However, posts like this with a high level of engagement ultimately get flagged for product managers to review when they go through roadmap planning.
Sarah Sanders
This would be fantastic to have!
Shana Blackstone
I posted this before, but we started using this 3rd party app to work alongside Zendesk Guide, which is fantastic. We have been using it for almost an entire year, and it is just an amazing addition. Again, I know it stinks to have another tool to utilize Zendesk, but I can't say enough good things about it. It has find and replace not just for words in your articles but even URLs. It has analytics that tells us who clicked on what article and where they went after that or what tickets they put in after that. We added an option for when a customer downvotes an article to be able to type a reason why. All of this is out-of-the-box stuff from this application. Super affordable as well. I have no affiliation with this application other than we use it. I feel bad every time I see someone add another post here waiting for a Zendesk enhancement, so I decide to add our recent feedback.
David Bjorgen
Functionality like this should be elevated to the dev team's top priority.
Lucas Rogers
Would love to know the specifics of why this was removed from the roadmap. What took its place? This would be my #1 feature request for Zendesk. Simple tool, but a MASSIVE time saver.
For example:
My organization is going through a rebranding and I find myself spending hours for what could be done in minutes if I had Find & Replace. Not only the org name changed, but product names as well. It's hard to imagine that I am alone in this scenario.
Katarzyna Karpinska
Hi Lucas Rogers
I understand your frustration. As much as I'd like to fulfill every customer request, I must make tough choices when deciding the order of features we are committing to.
For the last couple of years, our main focus in knowledge management is:
As well as keeping our systems compliant, secure, and reliable. We still have a lot of work in these areas before we can consider the commitments to our customers fulfilled.
Mark Rickard
As an end-user of Zendesk Guide, I urge the product team to prioritize the development of a global find-and-replace functionality based on strong community feedback. This feature is critical for efficiently managing and updating content, and it will greatly enhance our experience using the platform. Any previously formulated product goals should be reconsidered and adjusted to accommodate the needs of the user community. Failure to prioritize this feature risks frustrating and alienating users, while prioritizing it will demonstrate a commitment to listening and responding to our needs.
Casey Birkholz
I agree with the feedback that this is a critical feature. My team will have to spend at least a week this year replacing terms the slow way. I really don't understand why HTML features are important. Most content creators are Technical Writers and know how to leverage HTML and CSS. Content creators that don't know HTML & CSS should learn to use them ASAP.
We need to change a term that is mentioned frequently in most if not all of our articles and this will take many hours without this basic feature.
Sam Davidson Tolley
Hello - was the find & replace feature ever released?
It doesn't appear that way.
Ryan Bickett
My org is migrating to Zendesk and global find and replace would save many hours of work.
Summer Polacek
Hi. Any updates on this feature. We just migrated and updating some terminology quickly on some (almost) one thousand articles would be HEAVEN. Please provide an update if you can.
Nicola Hrynko
@All: Just read through all comments and you will find a solution. We purchased the app as well and it works great!!