Linked Problem ticket field not usable by triggers automations macros

Publication le 14 mai 2019

The field called Linked problem is not queryable by macros / triggers / automations. This would be really helpful in case we'd need to do some action to all incidents linked to a specific problem ticket.

Bulk updating tickets works only with small batches of tickets, but in case there are a few thousand tickets like this it becomes virtually impossible to work with.



28 commentaire

I agree with this request.

In certain instances, we want to launch a trigger to perform actions on a ticket when an Incident is linked to a Problem.

If Ticket - Is - Updated AND
Linked Problem? - Present THEN
Email User - Requester

If Ticket - Is - Updated AND
Linked Problem - Is - #123456 Problem Title THEN
Add Tags - prb_app_froze

Being able to automate actions for linked problems through triggers, automation, and macros would be a great time saver.


Have to agree with the above comments here. This is really frustrating since I want to be able to revive On-hold tickets back to Open status (After giving customer couple of days to see if the issue reoccurs) but I don't want to re-open the tickets attached to Problems.



Here's our use case

  • Our service desk link incidents to a problem ticket. 
  • Operations work on the problem ticket
  • Service desk agent receive a task from operation to confirm changes, updates etc with the end-user. 
  • Service desk would want to put their ticket in pending to confirm and get rid of the ticket from their focus view (the house)
  • Our bump-bump-solve should then be excluded from "linked tickets" since we would like to have more control for those particular incident tickets.



Our team would also like to see the linked problem ticket field available for use in trigger conditions.

We were hoping to set up a trigger that would detect when an incident ticket is assigned to a problem ticket that is closed. These tickets can be lost for a long time if nobody notices and it's frustrating that we aren't able to use triggers to alleviate this problem.


I upvote this idea. Having access to this field will also allow reporting the number of incidents by problem not only by its ID, but also displaying other ticket properties such as subject, etc.


Also useful to open tickets set as incidents but no problem attached. Would be nice to just present submitting an incident without a linked problem.


Yes, it would be very helpful if a macro could be set up to automatically link an incident to an existing problem ticket.


Our team would like this too ! Especially in the macros.
We often create temporary macros for specific problems. It's a pitty that we cant include the field "Linked problem" to the macro :(


I also need this. Our use case is we have a form that is filled out by a tech after an installation is completed. In that form, they reference the parent ticket. I would like to be able to use a trigger or automation that would link those tickets upon submission.


Please add this feature, it would be tremendously helpful.


I also would like to see this implemented! It could greatly increase the efficiency of many workflows.


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Bobby Koch

Zendesk Luminary

sad that this is not an option already


+1 to this, especially for Macros, as it really helps streamline workflows for agents and have consistency to what incidents are added to certain problems.

Triggers/Automation actions would also be good to "mop up" tickets that may have the relevant tags but not be associated with the correct problem.  Linking incidents to problems only being a manual action means its much more open to human error and lowers the value of the Problem feature.


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Dinesh Korgaokar

Zendesk Luminary

the problem ID is important to be notified to the agent which problem is linked to the ticket.  Zendesk is missing this logic, need this ID in trigger available. 


While we don't generally use the problem/incident field, we encountered an issue that effectively had about ten incident tickets, for which we created a problem ticket. We expect that the issue will continue to create incident tickets. We want a macro for agents in the affected group to be able to consistently, accurately, efficiently attribute the incidents to the problem.


The "Type" on a ticket will often be an "Incident" without linking to a specific problem, since the other options aren't suitable, but there's only one customer reporting it - so we don't put it as a "Problem".


Any incidents that are linked to a Problem though we don't need to see in the Ticket views as they're already under control with the linked Problem. So, we need a way to filter those out of views.




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Jill Bragg

Zendesk Luminary

Agreed. I feel like the linked problem ticket field/problem_id isn't all that useful right now, but it could be. Would love to see more functionality built around it like other people have mentioned.


+1 for this as well. This would be helpful when creating macros and views to help keep any linked tickets up to date (if you need to send a mass update out but not necessarily resolve the master ticket)


Please include linked problem & other problem ticket related fields in the Macros and Triggers sections! Thank you 🙏


Late 2023 and this is still relevant. Would love to see this feature added.


Still very relevant. This would greatly improve our workflow.


Can see this request was raised in 2019. Now at the beginning of 2024 this feature is still a must have to work efficiently with linked problems.

The Linked problem field should be queryable in macros / triggers / automations


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Shawna James

Community Product Feedback Specialist

Hey everyone, thank you for taking the time to provide us with this product feedback. We apologize for the delay on our end in providing you with a response to the feature request.


I work in managing our customer product feedback forums and have been in communication with the product team that owns this area. They noted the following: this is a great feature request and we have added it to the backlog for future consideration. This means that we will think about adding it as a priority later in our planning cycle. We are going to leave this post open for comment to allow others to provide their feedback and use cases, however please note as is stated in our Community Guidelines that we can not commit to prioritizing any one piece of feedback we receive in the community. 


If you are interested in learning more about this and other features being built please make sure to check out and follow our Community eventsWhat’s New Community Topic, and Zendesk Updates. Again, we apologize for our delay and appreciate you being a valuable Zendesk Community member.


Thank you again for your feedback and for being a valuable customer with Zendesk.


Making Linked Problems queryable by macros / triggers / automations is essential to making the best use of linking incidents to problems. I'd also add the ability to update using bulk edit. Thanks


We have just introduced problem ticket workflow and note the above would help us uplift this process to the next level. I came across this feature request post first, but is there also a request to allow Macros to take action and link a specific problem ticket Shawna James ?


Hi All,

We have recently updated our Extended Macros app on the Zendesk marketplace to add in the functionality to set a linked problem ticket via macro.  The app is free, so please try it out here and see if it can help you out with this use case. 

It is not able to add in the problem ticket functionality to triggers or automations, but looking through some of the comments here, it seems that tags might be able to help out in place of the problem ticket id field.  For example, a tag could be added to all of the incidents with linked problems and then that tag could be checked in the trigger conditions.  Please feel free to reply to this comment with further feedback and I'd be happy to brainstorm together how to workaround the current limitation in the product.

Cheers ~~


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Michael B.

Zendesk Luminary

Hi team, this is a opportunity for Zendesk to increase the ability of the platform to be more Incident Management friendly. Would love to see this feature become available as soon as possible.


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