SLA Alerting in Minutes


Publication le 01 sept. 2015

Currently, the smallest breach you can set up to be alerted is coming up, is an hour. Everyone I've talked to who uses Zendesk deeply and desperately needs this to be a much much more granular time set. Many of us have critical priorities of MUCH less than an hour. This renders SLA breach alerts completely useless on the most critical of our tickets. 



92 commentaire

I'd really like to know the status on this as well. 


Looks like you guys have a really hard time understanding the challenge of a client that deals with technology platforms, essential infrastructure, and very tight SLA deadlines. It's maddening that more movement hasn't been made on this front. We can set our SLAs in minutes, but we can't set the alerts in minutes. What kind of sense does that make? Where is the urgency? This is completely unacceptable.

THIS POST IS FROM 7 YEARS AGO! Step up your game Zendesk and learn to prioritize appropriately. SLA breaches come with monster penalties - why don't you seem to care?


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Scott Allison

Zendesk Product Manager

Reposting my latest update, as it's pinned on the first page and may have been missed:

Thanks everyone for your continued interest in this important functionality. About a month ago we released our new back end SLA platform which gives us a solid new base to build additional functionality for SLAs.

The first part of that is "Group SLAs" announced at Relate. This is set to open to early adopters in Q4, and be released generally in Q1. If you'd like to express interest in being part of that EAP release, please use this form. 

Once Group SLAs are out we'll be working on real-time alerts for SLAs, as well as some greater options for SLA targets, including some new targets and configurability. Expect this to ship sometime in 2023. 

In the meantime, I recommend you check out some of our marketplace apps, like Sweethawk Timers for the ability to get minute level notifications for SLAs.


@... is something going to be done with the minutes notification around SLAs? We have internal target of 30 mins plus a customer facing SLA - we would like to track and get notified when these are about to breach under the hour. For customer facing SLAs - when system is down our target is 30 mins and we have no way to notify outside of ZD at this time nor we can trigger automations/integrations based on this detail.
Yes - we've looked at Sweethawk but it doesn't fit our needs. 


I really love that their only solution in the last 8 years to this issue which is imperative to basically any functioning and successful helpdesk... is to purchase a product for 10$ an agent. Completely unacceptable.


Hi Brittany Mandel the SweetHawk Timers app is $2 agent/month, the Super Suite, which includes all 15 apps is $10 agent/month.


Peter Godden thanks for that! I was going by the link that was included by the Product Manager above. I still maintain that 8 years it too long to implement something as basic as this.


This is a ticket from 2015 and plenty of users have expressed the need and desire for it. When will this be implemented? Do we need to reach the 10 year mark? lol.


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Scott Allison

Zendesk Product Manager

Geordyn Ader Thanks for the question! My comment from October last year is at the top of the previous page so you may have missed it. You are right that SLAs has gone without investment for a while, but over a year ago we started rebuilding our platform for SLAs. That foundational work has been completed, and we've been working on Group SLAs, which will allow you to separately measure and put a target for a specific group, when a ticket gets assigned to that group. That will be released later this quarter, or early next quarter. We have other investments planned for later this year, and that does include real time notifications! In the meantime though check out our Marketplace where Sweethawk's timers app can be used to provide alerting as a stop gap.


Hi everyone !

We're entering in the end of Q1. Any updates for this major functionnality ?


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Scott Allison

Zendesk Product Manager

Miguel Grilo It's on the roadmap for later this year. I'll share an update once the work is in progress and we're closer to an early access launch.


Scott Allison - Shocker.... 8 years in the making and still no movement. This is so incredibly disappointing given the stakes involved and the penalties for missing SLAs. It's very sad that the priority has not been taken seriously. Don't see why the focus has been on group SLA given that this can be accomplished via the SLA filters. If you'd just allow us to enter decimals the problem would be solved.


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Scott Allison

Zendesk Product Manager

Brittany Mandel I know you've been waiting for years, and I completely understand your frustration. I was a Zendesk customer myself once upon a time. But please rest assured we're all working hard to improve the product. There's a lot of competing ideas, so we have to make hard decisions on priorities, and what we can pursue in any given year.

But while it's later than I would like, this work is on the roadmap now. 

To clarify, Group SLAs will be in addition to the SLAs we have today. You'll be able to set a distinct SLA target separate from the current ones, and apply that target when tickets are assigned to a specific group. We think that's going to really help our customers manage expectations internally and ultimately lead to a better chance of hitting your customer facing SLAs. We'll be sharing more in Q2 about Group SLAs.

Lastly, I do want to understand your need, as sometimes in these long community threads individual needs get lost. What we're planning is the ability to allow you to set rules for SLA alerting, so you could get notified in near real-time when an SLA breaches. Or even get a reminder say 10 minutes prior to a breach. (It would be customizable). While you can define SLAs today in minutes, the only way to alert is via Automations, and those only run once an hour. So, essentially, our plan is to have a separate notification system for SLAs. Unfortunately, this isn't trivial and there's no quick fix; it requires a significant investment on our side to make this possible at the scale we operate at.


Hi @... Scott Allison, is there any update on when alerting on SLA breaches in minutes will be released? Thanks


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Scott Allison

Zendesk Product Manager

Thank you everyone for your continued interest in this important capability. I'd like to provide you with an update.

We recently launched two enhancements to our SLA capabilities, introducing more targets and giving you more options to put targets on your workflow:

1. Group SLAs
2. Total Resolution Time

Coming in Q3 will be the ability to apply reply-time metrics to Chat and Messaging conversations. Initially, you'll be able to define these targets in minutes, but later on we'll give you the ability to define these in seconds.

Our final release of the year will deliver the ability to customize what activates and fulfills SLA metrics. This will plug common gaps right now where reply time metrics don't get applied to a ticket.

While we won't be able to release it this year, we are still committed to offering real-time alerts, and proactive reminders for SLAs, with minute based granularity. We expect to be able to offer this in H1 of next year.


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Scott Allison

Zendesk Product Manager

Thank you everyone for your continued interest in this important capability. I'd like to provide you with an update.

We recently launched two enhancements to our SLA capabilities, introducing more targets and giving you more options to put targets on your workflow:

1. Group SLAs
2. Total Resolution Time

Coming in Q3 will be the ability to apply reply-time metrics to Chat and Messaging conversations. Initially, you'll be able to define these targets in minutes, but later on we'll give you the ability to define these in seconds.

Our final release of the year will deliver the ability to customize what activates and fulfills SLA metrics. This will plug common gaps right now where reply time metrics don't get applied to a ticket.

While we won't be able to release it this year, we are still committed to offering real-time alerts, and proactive reminders for SLAs, with minute based granularity. We expect to be able to offer this in H1 of next year.


@... - Unfortunately, the new added functionality you commented don't meet any of the needs expressed by clients here. We can't send alerts to avoid costly SLA breaches.. why would we care about total resolution time or segregating SLA when we were already able to create multiple based on group assignment.


Was directed here via a support ticket and suggested to add feedback. Our SLA times are in minutes, would love to have the option to measure this way. Any updates on where this stands in terms of being added?


Any update? I am really disappointed with the wait times for simple feature requests across the board at Zendesk, that I would think would've already been implemented years ago. It seems like your client base tells you what we need, and we aren't listened to.


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Scott Allison

Zendesk Product Manager

No change since my update from a last month. tl;dr. It's coming, next year.


Current SLA options are completely useless for messaging and chat. No client wants to wait for 60mins for a reply. 3mins max and even that is a very long time.


Adding to the group; we have SLAs that are measured in minutes and not hours.  Hopefully an update will be released.  Adding note to keep informed of any announcements.


Thank you for providing a new capability for SLA. 

I'm looking forward to seeing it!

> While we won't be able to release it this year, we are still committed to offering real-time alerts, and proactive reminders for SLAs, with minute based granularity. We expect to be able to offer this in H1 of next year.


I'm also wondering how Zendesk Support team ensures your premier support. Because Response time guarantees: 30 mins for Critical; 1 hr for Major and ongoing cadence.


That would be helpful for us to share the knowledge/tips about it!


Sounds like this has finally been worked on? Any updates on release date? 


Do we have an estimated timeline on when SLA alerting will support minutes (not just hours)?


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Scott Allison

Zendesk Product Manager

This is currently planned for the end of this year. Work is expected to begin after we ship what we're currently working on, which is the ability for admins to customize per policy and metric type what conditions are used to start or to fulfill an SLA. The goal of these new optional settings is for you to be able to apply SLAs in more cases. For example, first reply time on agent created tickets. I expect to share more in July about this work, but if you're not already following what's new and our announcements section here, then I recommend doing that so you're in the loop.


Wow. Nearly 10 years to get this basic feature and it's still not done. My company has this as a requirement now, so I guess we'll be dumping zendesk soon. 

Bad form Zendesk, what a let down.


This is ridiculous Zendesk doesn't have this functionality yet. How long has this been planned? I came to this thread optimistic and am totally disappointed.


This is a crucial feature, please consider iimplementing it ASAP. 


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Salvador Vazquez

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello all,

Thank you for your continued support and involvement. For any of you who may not have seen this yet, we did just release additional configurations in SLAs to help connect your policies to even more tickets. 


We have started development for the capability to notify users about their SLAs with granularity in the minutes. The timelines continue to stay the same where we plan to get something out there in H1 of 2025. We continue to take the feedback we have learned from all of you to create the upcoming experience. 


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