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Add CC Attribute to Reporting

Publication le 26 nov. 2019

There is currently not a way to pull all individuals CC'd within a ticket for reporting purposes. Let's say a team member accidentally merges a ticket across clients... we should be able to pull a report to see when, who, and how this may have happened. 



27 commentaire

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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Thank you for sharing your feedback, Mike.


In our case we would like to report off tickets that an agent (light or full)  is cc'd on and the CSAT results on those tickets.

I think any sort of visibility of CC'd people in Explore is highly valuable and without it doesn't present a clear history of the ticket and those involved in the ticket activity.


+1 to needing this. If a field is on the ticket it should be reportable for any reason.


This was something really lacking in Insights and it does not appear to be an option in Explore either. I really need this.


+1 for needing this.  I have a contractual need to report on CC's and would like to do it in Explore. 


Having to retreive the tickets with cc would be great. 


Has there been an progress on this?


+1 we could really do with this feature


Yup, we just bumped into this limitation today as well. It is a really important field for us and reports would provide extreme business value.


+1 on wanting this feature in Explore


I would also love this, would be really useful. 


Hi all!

Really cool feature request, we also require it


+ 1, please do add it


+ 1 please add it

We would like to use this to see if a client is cc'd on an internal ticket.  This will help improve our communication and organize our tickets.


Hey, Zendesk team!

It would be really great to add this feature!


Does anybody know any workaround? Our customer success managers ask for dashboard with all tickets where they are in cc and satisfying a few additional conditions which prevent from usage if user profile view. 


Have there been any updates on this as of late? We need to get a report generated of all tickets admins have been cc'd on.


I really need this feature as well. We would like to report on Cc's. 


I need this feature as well.   It's been 3 1/2 years since this feature request was posted on Community.   Any idea when it might be implemented?    Our support team does a lot of referring customers to our resources, e.g. Community, and also generates a lot of upsell leads.   It would be very helpful to know all the customer users who were CC'd on the tickets. 


We also need reporting based on ticket followers. It would be great to be able to set up reporting on how many tickets have a follower and break it down by follower name.

I tried setting up a trigger to add a tag whenever a follower was added to a ticket, but that doesn't seem to be an option either. 


+1 for this.
Is there any update on this feedback post? Or a workaround which we can work with?





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Casey Eisenberg

Zendesk Luminary

Adding to the request for this thread. At the very least just being able to add tags from CC'd end-users to tickets would be extremely helpful. Has there been any progress?


I really need this feature. It important for me to know the number of tickets where a CSM was tagged (follower or cc) 


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Wojciech Smajda

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Michael,

Thank you for sharing your concerns about the inability to report on individuals CC'd within a ticket in Zendesk. We understand that having the ability to audit such actions, especially for instances of accidental ticket merging, is important for maintaining client confidentiality and service quality.

Your suggestion for such a reporting feature is valuable, and we'll definitely keep it on our radar for future consideration. As of now, I must share that there are no immediate plans to implement significant changes to support ticket datasets in Zendesk. We are aware of the importance of this capability and will continue to evaluate our users' needs against our product roadmap.

Though we can't fulfill this request at the moment, your voice is instrumental in helping us prioritize new features. We are committed to transparency and will convey updates on any plans to expand reporting features as they develop.

For the latest news and upcoming features, don't forget to check our What’s New Community Topic regularly and join our Community events.

Your engagement is crucial to us, and we greatly appreciate the time you took to provide your feedback.


I'm trying to add the follower as a calculated attribute – can anyone help piece this together?

This is from the Explore Functions Article


I've tried this………..


VALUE {{Ticket.Follower_Names}}

Find [Ticket Follower Names] and Find [Ticket Follower Name]

{{Ticket.follower_names}} and Ticket.follower_names and [Ticket.follower_names ]



I know for a fact it exists somewhere because I tested this code in an internal reply and it pulled my name on the test ticket I listed myself as the follower:


I really hope the “doesn't exists in the dataset” error is not the end-all result.


Hi, just adding my support for this request. We need to be able to report on both the CC'd and Followers on tickets.


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