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Feature Request: Ability to export draft content in published articles for translation

Publication le 21 oct. 2021

We’ve been struggling with translating draft help content for currently published articles. According to our TM rep: "Basically, it's an API limitation as Zendesk does not provide an API for 'work-in-progress' or 'published-with-draft'."

According to Zendesk support, this is correct: "I have confirmed with my team that unfortunately, those two endpoints do not exist in our API. There is not a way to add to the API."

This makes releasing content in all languages on the same date very difficult, which is very important for serving our customers around the world. The only workaround seems to be the hack of briefly publishing the draft and then reverting, which is not an acceptable solution.

If I'm missing another solution, please let me know. Otherwise, please consider adding this ability to the API as soon as possible.

Thank you,




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