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Help Center - improve 'was this article helpful' and allow user to leave reasons

Publication le 06 déc. 2016

Continuously improving the Help Center to make sure it has the content that users are looking for is important to us, and getting actionable data on what content is missing or could be improved is very valuable.

To this end we'd like to collect feedback from users when they read a Help Center article, but didn't find it helpful or what they were looking for (or they spot a mistake, etc), why they didn't find it helpful.

Current implementation of Was this article helpful

The current implementation has limitations:

  • user cannot tell us what they where looking for/was missing, they can only vote on 'helpful/not helpful' 
  • reports on feedback are very basic - stuff like page visits vs. votes vs. time period are missing

Example implementation with reasons

Here is example taken from another site that we shows how the end user experience could be:

Data we'd like to collect

Stuff like

  • article name
  • article URL/link
  • the feedback text
  • the user email (optional when leaving feedback, but if provided, would allow us to follow up with that user)
  • date and time
  • and nice to have: Browser type and IP (in case it might be browser related) 

EDIT: When I wrote this feature request, we didn't have anonymous voting. This has since been delivered, so I've updated the request accordingly. 



74 commentaire

Nicole - Community Manager

Thank you for responding.

Is it possible for you to add that as an official response?

Sometimes, it is hard to find a Zendesk response in all of the comments on a post. 


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

I don't feel that this meets the criteria for which we usually use the official response function. But to identify Zendesk responses, you just look for the little person icon on the avatar. 

We will be updating our badges in the community in the near future with the release of the Gather badging EAP, and that should give better visual cues to which responses are from Zendesk. 


Still amazes me that this hasn't been addressed yet. Such an integral part of Guide that without it, renders the downvotes practically useless.


I was thinking of adding some javascript where it would automatically create a ticket and populate it with some metadata such as the article link and add a tag (e.g. "article-comment") so they don't get combined with the other tickets. Thoughts?


This would be super helpful to our team. While 3rd-party implementations exist, a native workflow in Zendesk that could be modeled similar to flagging would be very useful. Something like User rates -> User comments -> Guide admin converts comment to ticket -> Article is updated based on feedback. We do not use Gather (intentionally) so converting public comments is not a viable solution.




Hello everyone, 

On our help centre, we have radio buttons with preset reasons that appear after users submit a negative vote. However, I am unable to find the number of votes for each reason in GA. We are currently tracking the votes as an event action. What do I have to do in GA to find the radio button votes? Are those meant to be tracked as additional event actions?

Thank you! 


Hi Zendesk team,

+1 to the need for this expanded article feedback feature.  With just the down vote data, we are left wondering why a page was not helpful to users.  We'd love to see a built-in option to collect feedback on unhelpful articles similar to what Slack and others have set up.

Is this item on the roadmap for the Zendesk product team?


Also commenting to request this feature. We need info on why users are downvoting articles. With the current Explore functionality, we can't even see total votes on articles or when votes are logged.


Hello team.

You often suggest to us Zendesk users that we should enhance our FAQ knowledge and make it self-resolving.

But don't you think that one of the reasons they are not accompanied by results is because something as important as this feature is not easily implemented?

Please understand this and take action to release the implementation of this feature as soon as possible.


Hey! This is actually what I need to improve our Help Center. 

I'm working on this kind of reports and datas and it will be very useful if we can know why an article has been voted as no useful. Crosslink data is possible but it requires too much time! I hope that this will be implemented soon! 


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Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi all

I thought it might be of interest that we have put together a recipe for how you can prompt for feedback on downvotes using theme customization.

I hope it helps and we are as always very keen to hear from you if you think it can be improved.


+100. Also very much looking for this feature. Such a simple solution would make it SO MUCH EASIER to improve the self-service and improve longterm CSAT


Upvoting. Really need this feature. I've been looking for a solution for 3 years now.


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