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Send Email Notifications to Secondary Emails in Support
Publication le 12 nov. 2020
2020-11-12 We have been struggling with issues surrounding primary and secondary email addresses for our end-users. There is a ZD Support thread here that looks like the issue has been going on for over 4 years now, and I haven’t seen a workaround or fix published.
Here’s our backstory…
In our configuration, we do an export out of our HR system each night and upload that to Zendesk to populate email addresses for our employees. Each employee should have a company-issued email address and a home email address on their profile. The API sets the company email address as primary and the home email as secondary.
The problem we have been running into s has been that our employees will email us from their home email stating that they cannot access their company email. When we go to respond, Zendesk sends the notifications to the primary address on file, which is the email they do not have access.
We realized the issue after several upset employees complained that we never responded to their requests. Their words were, “If I email you from my Gmail account, you should respond to my Gmail account.” We couldn’t agree more.
So then our agents started adding the employee’s Gmail address into the CC field, thinking it would send the notification to both addresses. Unfortunately, Zendesk is too smart. It knows the Gmail address is assigned to an existing user and only emails the primary company address.
We then discovered that we could switch the primary email address on the fly however our agents do not have access to modify customers. We do this because all customer data should be coming through the API. We further secure our instance by allowing only those customers created through the API to submit a request.
We always want a notification to go to their company address for tracking and communication purposes. Our dream would be for Zendesk to message all email addresses on file every single time. We would settle for being able to message both the primary and secondary on a ticket-by-ticket basis.
After raising the issue to Zendesk support, they recommended two workarounds...
- To treat the secondary email address as email Targets and then notify those Targets through Triggers (not the most convenient considering the high number of users we are talking about here).
- The other thing would be creating a new user profile using that secondary email address.
Option 1 isn't an option when we maintain thousands of customer records. Option 2 is technically possible but creates another issue. Here is why...
When we receive a ticket, it is auto-assigned to that single person record. Our agents then look at that person's record to get a history of their previous requests. They look for things like:
- Have they requested the same thing before?
- What did we do last time?
- Was that issue resolved, or did it bump-bump-solve?
If we were to create a different person record for every single email address on file, the agent lookup functionality would become much more difficult. We would need to search across multiple people records instead of it being housed within one record.
It would also detract from our reporting capabilities since management looks at things like top requesters and an individual’s request history. Since we have several departments inside of Zendesk, it helps us get a better picture of how often someone is reaching out for help which, in turn, shows us where we need to do more training for our employees. Splitting our employees into individual records for each email address would skew things like top requester and require extra effort to view a person’s history.
If we could send mail to all addresses, or even CC the secondary address, this would resolve a pain point for our agents and a major communication breakdown for our employees.
2022-12-09 This is still an issue Zendesk. Please help us help our customers.
45 commentaire
Afton Rupert
+1 still an issue - please prioritize Zendesk!
Eddie Santillan
Hi Zendesk Team - Is there any hope for a solution here? Anything we could do via the API?
Movell Sarran
Any update on this?
What is the logic in not emailing back to the email address that emailed us?
James Peterson - Eastern Logic
+1, still an issue, no reasonable workaround, alerady at 60 upvotes, would be nice to see someone from Zendesk provide an official response. Huge issue!
Christian Becker
Hopefully we get this bug fixed in 2024. Or a statement why it is so hard to implement.
Erik Davies
Hopefully, the following provides a good "How it Started" vs "How it is Going". In short, nothing has changed and that is unlikely to change in the near future.
TLDR: This has been an issue repeatedly brought to Zendesk's attention since at least 2012 based on another thread with a similar feature request linked below. Between comments within that thread and the most recent official Zendesk response pasted below, I doubt that this will be addressed soon if ever. Everyone will need to decide for themselves/their company whether or not this is a dealbreaker feature.
Benjamin Kirsch
March 11, 2024
Zendesk Product Manager
"Hey all, thanks for taking the time to provide us with your feedback here. This is a valuable feature request and it is in our backlog backlog for future consideration.
We're currently working on a couple other features focusing on surfacing outbound bounce notifications and Email connectors for Exchange and SMTP Relays. Once those feature are complete we will consider this for future development. However please note that we can't commit to prioritizing any one piece of feedback we receive in the community.
I'll leave this post open for comment to allow others to continue providing their feedback and use cases to help with prioritization in the future."
Similar Issue with Relevant Comments Included
How can i send email notifications to secondary emails
"Dave Dyson
December 16, 2021
Comment actions
"Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you know that I've spoken with our product team – this is something that is on their radar, and they are planning on having more internal discussions about it next year. Follow this post for updates: Send Email Notifications to Secondary Emails in Support"
From comments in that thread it sounds like it has been an ongoing issue that will never be important enough to address:
Jonathan March
December 15, 2021
Community Moderator
Comment actions
"I would not want to attempt a black-box analysis on ZD's internal processes, but this is indeed a long-standing (9 years with us) source of friction and pain, and this workaround is really not an acceptable solution."
Stian Bøe
+++++ This is a big issue that needs to be resolved!
Mary Dimitrova
One would think the main every-email features would've been developed from the beginning to start with. And if not, an obvious priority.
I don't mean to be mean, but there are certain things you do expect from a product.
Amanda Busby
We need to be able to communicate with on-site technicians and end consumers within the same ticket. It should be easy to add a CC email instead of use a workaround noted with “only recommended for limited use as it is not a scalable alternative”.
Please consider this feature as this active thread is now over 4 years old.
Hi Bonnie Pohlschneider Afton Rupert Erik Davies Mary Dimitrova and others.
We have solved this problem for clients already with our apps at, in fact one of them sent me this thread to let me know other people are having this same problem.
I would be happy to help show the functionality and test that it works on your Zendesk if you'd like to reach out to me at
We have put a lot of work into making these tools, so it is paid (Starting at $97/month for the entire Zendesk instance), but it's much more cost-effective than having to do all of it manually.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Shawna James
Ben Wilcox
I have a unique use case. This is partly due to the fact that Zendesk has very limited hierarchy options for users. You basically have User::Organization. There's not anything in between for something like a location, or a store. I'd be wonderful to have something at least like User::Location::Organization. I could do a lot with that.
We have hundreds of stores, and have had to create a user record for each store. For our corporately owned stores, we control everything including the primary email as we own the email box being used and can dictate this is the email that the managers and techs for the stores all use, so we can make that the primary and only contact for the store sites. The trouble I'm in is that we have franchises as well. I have about 13 records I'm working on trying to figure out how to fix where they are not store records, but rather, it's a situation where the owner or the manager, or both for each franchise store has an account. Depending on who calls, the ticket is placed under that account.
From an agent perspective it's craziness. Yes, they can go to the org level and see all the tickets under the organizational level we call “Store 1234", but there's no single “user” to put all those tickets in. We're wanting to set the franchises up like we have the corporate stores, so my task is to set up a “Store 1234” user record (like we have for corporate stores) for the franchise. Each user record would have an email address as primary that is a corporately owned email address, but then I want to have the franchise owner's email address on each record as a secondary email address. That would allow the franchise owner, even though the ticket is placed under “Store 1234", and not his own name, the ability to see the tickets for his store so long as I have the store organization set up so that everyone associated with the org can see all the org's tickets.
My end goal is that when a ticket is going to be placed under “Store 1234", yes, I DO want the corporate email address I'm going to use as the primary be the main communication point as we are going to train them to look at that email address, BUT, I'm wanting to CC that store owner's address as well, otherwise, when I make the switch over, they'll all be in the dark and not see email communications about the tickets being created for their stores. It appears there is no way to trigger the cc'ing of secondary email addresses. I'd be great if we could, say, ‘tag' a user, and for all user records with that tag, Zendesk would automatically cc secondaries. We have no trigger options to email anyone other than a support account holder. I need to email end users. Writing web hooks for each individual user as well as triggers for each individual user and scenario for side conversations is not the route I'd prefer to go.
Can we look at ways to CC secondary emails? AND… can we look at expanding user hierarchies so that we could associate users with locations, and locations to orgs? Or, make ‘types’ of orgs, where some orgs can be stores, some locations, and they can be relatable to each other? And/or, can we have a way to have an email address associated with an org, so that when a ticket is made for a user that is in an org, that an email goes out to the org email address as well? Just brainstorming….
Sydney Neubauer
+1 there is always the chance that unrelated profiles are merged and the secondary address emails in but any outbound conversations from us will only go to the primary address. The original sender does not know and would think we ignored them and then the primary address will get details about the original sender that they should not know. This is considered a security breach. It doesn't solve the problem but if we do not have to worry about PII being shared to the primary address and only with the address that emails us, there is less of a concern with breaches.
Vinicius Henrique da Silva
menos de 50 dias para 2025 e o Zendesk não criou NADA que pudesse resolver isso.
A recomendação da plataforma é vc criar vários usuários dentro da conta pra fazer isso.
James Peterson - Eastern Logic
Hi All,
We have recently released an update to our Extended Macros app on the Zendesk marketplace that may be able to help out with one of the situations described above. Specifically, the app now comes with a configuration that can auto-detect if an email is received from a user's secondary email address and alert the agent. Then the agent can manually use a macro to switch the secondary email address to the primary, or if configured, the change can be made automatically by the app. Unfortunately, this only works if the agent is able to make updates to user's profiles, but we do hope that it can help some of the users here.
This app is free to use, so why not give it a shot by downloading it from the marketplace here. You can also read more about the apps features and usage in this Help Centre article. Feedback is welcome.
Cheers ~