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FCR % - I need to find a way to capture % Full Resolution Time < 2 hrs of tickets solved
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Publication le 30 déc. 2020
I need to find a way to capture % First Contact Resolution < 2 hrs ( tickets solved within 2 hours) for my agents and teams. We do it in Insights by a metric that counts all tickets with full resolution time less than 2 hours and then finding the percentage of tickets created. How can I do this in Explore.
6 commentaire
Ron Stuckey
From Insights I am currently using
Number Format #,##0.00%
SELECT # of FCR tickets / (SELECT # Solved Tickets)
# of FCR tickets
SELECT # Solved Tickets WHERE Resolution Time < 2
Chandra Robrock
Hi @...!
Based on what you've described, I believe the following steps could work for you.
IF VALUE(Full resolution time (hrs)) < 2
THEN [Ticket ID]
Here's an example of what the end result should look like once completed, using the Table visualization:
Hope that helps point you in the right direction!
Qin Brian
We have different definition of FCR.
During the full resolution duration, users don't visit CS agents again. No matter the tickets are resolved in how many days.
How can we calculate in Zendesk dashboard?
Gab Guinto
Hi Qin,
It sounds like your definition of first contact resolution matches how the default One-touch tickets is defined in Explore (see How are one-touch resolutions calculated?). You can use this in your reports, similar to the method described by Chandra. The prebuilt Support dashboard actually has a widget that shows the percentage of one-touch tickets.
This query uses the native % One-touch tickets metric.
You should be able to use these one-touch metrics when working with the Tickets dataset, and add the queries to your custom dashboard.
Qin Brian
Hi Grab
Thanks for the reply. The logic of one-touch ticket is to say that if the users repeat visiting, agents will reply more than twice. I can try to use it to verify.
Tim Nagel
For me, COUNT(# of FCR tickets)/COUNT(Solved tickets) always equals 0 in the report. I cant figure out why.