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Guide to setting up SMS response
Publication le 19 mars 2019
Has anyone found, or do you know of, a definitive guide for properly making Zendesk Support work with the SMS components of Talk?
- SOLVED: Proper Triggers rules to ensure that replies to inbound SMS messages are replied to as SMS.
- SOLVED: How to configure an agent signature to ensure that it isn't used in responses to any SMS communications; using ticket tags and liquid markup in the account-wide signature to create some cases that define the signature contents.
Where I was stuck:
1) Updates to tickets not being SMS'd to customer:
When i've created a ticket where I've specified the requester by entering their phone number into the Requester field, the first message has gone without problem.
As discussed later in this post, removing one of the channel actions gets it done.
Will update all the screenshots for my trigger recipes to show how this is done.
2) Preventing signature being included in SMS
This is solved by the use of tagging the ticket with certain tags, AND using liquid markup in the signature.
In short, I've used liquid markup to look for three tags in a ticket. If anyone of these three tags occurs, it creates a case statement which has no content. And then there's the else result where none of these tags appear.
Code to achieve this:
{% assign tags = ticket.tags | split: " " %}{% for tag in tags %}{% case tag %}
{% when 'sms-outbound' %}
{% when 'sms-apioutbound' %}
{% when 'sms-inbound' %}
{% else %}
Kind regards,
Customer Service Team
Your Company Name
{% endcase %}{% endfor %}
Original public response, which correctly triggered outbound SMS
Follow-up public response which triggered no action at all
Trigger to cause outbound SMS on new ticket
Trigger that is supposed to cause outbound SMS on an update to a ticket, but isn't
9 commentaire
Brett Bowser
Hey Michael,
When you're updating the ticket are you doing so from the Agent Interface? If so, could you remove the Update > via > Text condition to see if the trigger fires appropriately? It may be worth removing the Channel > is > Text as well since the trigger should only fire if it contains one of those tags.
Let me know if you continue to experience any issues.
Michael H
@Brett: FYI - I'm now dealing with Support on this, and I agree that removing one or more of these might be the solution.
The problem is relying on a tag-based solution means that if the tag isn't there, it goes via another channel.
So i'm wanting to build this in a way that caters for the 'lowest common denominator' agent, who can and will forget to add tags, which in turn could prevent the customer receiving the response through the same channel - thus creating avoidable customer frustration and in turn increase interaction cost and retention/satisfaction risks.
I'd also hope that by the time I get to the end of resolving this, I can actually share a 'missing manual' style post for helping people get their SMS setup on Zendesk right (because as a result of going through this process, I've discovered a lot of gaps which will trip users up and impact service).
Brett Bowser
Thanks for the update Michael!
Feel free to post your findings back here :) I think other users may be in the same boat so any additional information we can relay is super helpful.
Additionally, I was able to track down a couple resources but you may have seen these already:
Let me know if there's anything else I can assist with in the meantime!
Michael H
I've got it, finally figured out how to exclude signature from SMS messages.
See the updates to the original post.
Also thanks to a 4yr old post which helped me stumble on the method:
@Michael - this worked great for SMS but while testing it with an email I see that the signature has been removed completely. Any idea what I may have set up incorrectly?
{% assign tags = ticket.tags | split: " " %}{% for tag in tags %}{% case tag %}
{% when 'attentive' %}
{% else %}
Best wishes for continued vitality!
Kind regards,
Customer Service Manager

{% endfor %}
We are using the Attentive integration, unsure if this is not possible to use with this integration?
@... I've been trying to implement your solution to:
2) Preventing signature being included in SMS
But I can't get it to work. I don't want the brand signature to apply to tickets that contain tag 'nosignature'. So my code looks like this:
{% assign tags = ticket.tags | split: " " %}{% for tag in tags %}{% case tag %}
{% when 'nosignature' %}
{% else %}
Kind regards,
{% endcase %}{% endfor %}
But with this signature set up, the signature doesn't run for any tickets.
Brett Bowser
Hey Roxanne,
It looks like the original poster hasn't had a chance to get back to you regarding your question.
Are you still experiencing issues on your end?
Let me know!
Yes, I haven't been able to get the solution that's proposed here to work, unfortunately... Any help would be much appreciated!
Andreas Schuster
Hi @...,
Could you please try it with the following syntax?