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Get in Touch button in Web Widget (Classic)

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Publication le 27 oct. 2021

Is there any possibility to let the Get in Touch show under specific circumstances? For example, after the customer replied 'Agent, Person, etc.' or after the customer have asked the answer bot two questions and haven't closed the chat yet.



8 commentaire

Is there any update on this?


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Christopher Kennedy

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hey Kelly and Vernelle,
In the classic web widget, it's possible to only show the "Get in touch" contact options after the user has submitted a question.  This can be done via the Widget Settings API.  Though it will not do so under more specific conditions (ex. only after certain phrases, only after a specific number of questions, etc).
Also, I'd like to put Zendesk Messaging on your radar.  Messaging allows for more detailed customization of automated conversations with users in the widget through Flow Builder.  It may be helpful to take a look at Messaging's Requirements, recommendations, and limitations to see if it's a fit for you.


Hello Chris,

Thank you for your response.

I have done all that and that is simply not true: it prompts the "get in touch" button as soon as the chatbox is interacted with. I have attached a screenshot.


as for your messaging suggestion, I also use that as well and I do think it is a helpful solution with the flow builder, however, the limitation with it is that it does not collect any user metadata from the interactions (such as URL origin, what dialog choices they made, etc), which makes it almost useless.

Is there a way to collect the user metadata as well as curate choices for the consumer to deflect tickets from being created for smaller questions? Please advise. 


Thank you, 




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Christopher Kennedy

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Vernelle,
In my testing, I'm not seeing the same behavior when the contactOnlyAfterQuery setting is enabled.  Is this happening on a publicly available page where I may take a closer look?
Also, our Product Management team is currently considering whether user/device metadata collection for Messaging can be added in the future.  There's no hard timeline for this at the moment, but feel free to follow our Announcements section to receive notifications about new features.


Hi Christopher Kennedy,

I was able to make it work after some help with our of our Devs. It could have taken a second for it to go live but it is working now. Thank you.


I would love to just use the messaging widget, but it severely lacks features that are important for the data analysis that we are looking for. Is there any other way around this for collecting metadata on our own since it looks like Zendesk does not offer this anywhere in the near future?


Thank you,



Hi Vernelle

I have a similar issue with our answer bot - is there a way you found to simply delay the get in touch button appearing?

We use answer bot for out of hours and feel that the get in touch button appears to quickly and can lead to customers to just to leave a message as opposed to trying to ask the bot a question.

We really just want to delay it appearing.

Thanks in advance!


Hi Matty


There is nothing natively like that, but I did go back and forth with the zendesk devs for a bit to see if there was a workaround for it and the only thing that was in the documentation that my frontend team and I could adjust was the number of inquiries that are asked for it. 

It is a true/false data point so unfortunately, you can't set it to something like 3 inquiries, but you can at least delay it for one inquiry in the hopes that they can self-help first before reaching out to the team.

In our experience, it was enough to mitigate a good number of easy questions assuming you have enough articles built out for it, but it will not deter people that want an easy button and just talk to someone that can solve their problem for them (which is a growing number these days).


Here is the documentation for it:

Please note: you will need access to the page script itself or work with your dev team to assist you with it.


I hope this helps! :)


Happy hunting!





Thanks for taking the time to reply - ill take a look into this!


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