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Agent-Facing Drop Down Field Values
Publication le 28 oct. 2021
Feature Request Summary:
When creating custom Ticket Fields, you can choose different names to display to the end-user, but both the End-User and the Agent are required to see the same drop down values. Zendesk Support should have the option to enter unique Agent-facing values, in the same spirit as unique Tags for those values.
Description/Use Cases:
There is a 'Ticket Disposition' field that is required to submit a ticket. The Agent sees this field as "Request Reason" but the End-User sees this field as "How Can We Help You?" Options include things like "I need help placing a new order, I have a question about my shipment, I need technical support, I need help fixing my product, and I need help with something else." This feature would visualize these options to the Agent as "Sales, Shipping, Support, Service and Something Else." This allows for faster dispositioning and more efficient Ticket triage.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
For more complex user forms, having to navigate End-User copy is a drag on Ticket handle time and overall team performance.
2 commentaire
Peter Lynch
There is a hack to achieve this - but is not optimal for a lot of reasons.
Suppose your Guide default language is English (United States). And at present, so is the Support default language is also English (United States).
Enable one of the other (presently 2) language variants in Support - either English (Canada) or English (United kingdom). In this example, we'll choose Canada.
Now for each drop-down field value you want to be different for agent and end user, create a Dynamic Content item. Make the English (United States) value to be what you want the end user to se. Make the English (Canada) translation what you want agents to see. Edit the field value to be the dynamic content placeholder. ie. {{dc.content_test}}.
Finally have an agent set their profile language to English (Canada) instead of English (United States). The native support UI will barely, if at all, change for the agent.
However the side effect is now the field tag is the same for both field values, but the end user gets their english version, and the agent gets the agent(ie. Canada) version of the same selection.
I did say hack...
Mounika Sanikommu
Hey Brandon, thank you for taking the time to provide us with this feedback. We apologize for the delay on our end in providing you with a response to your feature request.
We wanted to let you know that at this time we are not able to commit to building this feature. We understand this may be frustrating but wanted to ensure we closed this loop to remain transparent.