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Need some help to use Answerbot on android

Publication le 29 oct. 2021

Hi. I'm trying to develop an app using Zendesk SDK.

I implemented to load Zendesk Webview, but i can't load data from answerbot flow..

I initialized Chat,Answerbot, Zendsk,Support.


And I also implementd to use Zendesk with code below.. Help me plz

MessagingActivity.builder().withEngines(AnswerBotEngine.engine(), ChatEngine.engine(), SupportEngine.engine()).show(getCurrentActivity());



2 commentaire

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Max Brunner

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi 김건호,

Answer Bot flows are part of the Zendesk Messaging product. In order to use it, you need to use the Messaging SDKs (and not the Zendesk Classic SDKs, as you're trying to). You can find more information about the new Messaging SDKs here:

You can also see a comparison with the Classic SDKs here:

Let us know how it goes!



Hi Max,

It would have saved me a good deal of time if this information was in the documentation for the Classic SDKs.  Something like "Using the FlowBuilder to provide a flow for the AnswerBot is only supported in the Messaging SDKs" in the docs for both sets of SDKs would have been very helpful.




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