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Conversation bubble popping up in Views List
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Publication le 08 déc. 2021
I have recently noticed what looks like a conversation bubble popping up when the cursor hovers over one of the selections in the Views list at the left hand side of the Zendesk window.
Is there a way to turn this feature off? I am finding it to be a distraction and more often than not interferes with the selection I am trying to make.
3 commentaire
Dave Dyson
Can you add a screenshot of the conversation bubble you're talking about?
Shane Alldredge
Hi Dave,
Per your request:
Dave Dyson
Thanks Shane! What you're seeing is the full name of the view you're hovering over in the list. There isn't a way to turn this off, but if your view names are short enough to appear in the list without being truncated, the popup won't appear.