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Digital calls, priorities calls routing

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Publication le 18 janv. 2022

We would like to set up priorities or call to which group receives first the calls. for now we can choose only primary group and the rest follows. We want to have an option to choose the flow routing to which group should receive the call first and based on the priorities to follow the groups. 


Primary group

Secondary group

Third groups

Following this the call will be routed las to the third group if the other groups are busy. 

Is there a work around about this? Can we use triggers for that?




4 commentaire


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Rohan Gupta

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Gerardo,

Thanks for the feedback!

Currently, multiple group routing supports only the primary group and a group of secondary groups. The primary group is tried first and then agents are pooled from all the secondary groups and tried for the call. Here are more details on routing.

It will be nice to know more about your use case. How are you using multiple groups and what is the use case behind using more than 2 groups.

Thanks Again!



Hi Rohan Gupta,

Thanks for the reply. 

We have for now two groups for each line one primary lets called it 1 and the second group 2. 

We use Digital lines from the webwidget. We noticed some strange behavior we have agents in group 1 and group 2, but the call seems to not go through the 2nd group. We are having some abbandonde calls, not sure because of something related to the routing. Is there somehow a way to understand what the issue or the routing works when the all the agents are in a call. 


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Rohan Gupta

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Gerardo,

When all agents are on call, the incoming call should wait in the queue till either maximum queue waiting time expires or an agent becomes available.

In the case you have described, if agents are available in group 2 to pick up call, call should flow to those agents, however one nuances that I want to highlight is that if you have focus mode enabled on your instance and the agents are on a chat, call will not flow.

In the case of setting not working properly for your instance, please do raise a support ticket with Zendesk and we can investigate it further.




I would also like to know more about routing calls. Ideally, we would like to have it where if a call comes into a direct line to an Agent and if that Agent is not available, it goes to their designated back up Agent, if that back up is also not available, then it will roll to the next available Agent in our Customer Service group. Is something like that possible? 



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