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How to track the number of tickets treated by Agent ?

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Publication le 14 mars 2022

Hi, I would like to get the number of tickets treated by agents excluding their status (Pending, Solved, On-Hold). 

For instance, I have the number of tickets solved per week (or month), however, it doesn't reflect the entire activity of the agent in the time period.

Any solution?



1 commentaire

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Gab Guinto

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Ali,
You can check other metrics such as Assigned unsolved tickets and Reassigned tickets under the Tickets dataset, or Tickets assigned and Tickets updated from the Updates History dataset. These metrics will show you the count of assignments and the tickets updated by your agents.

If you're looking to track the activity and productivity of your agents, then you might want to look at the reports from the Assignee activity and the Agent updates tabs in the prebuilt Support dashboard in Explore to get some ideas on what other data might be helpful to report on. It may also be useful to measure metrics such on response times and resolution times (see the Efficiency tab).


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