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Popup reminder for agents
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Publication le 28 mars 2022
Our agents need to follow certain guidelines when sending an attachment to our customers. Is there a way to create a popup notification that will give instructions to the agents and force them to click OK before marking the ticket pending/closed?
4 commentaire
I normally have the agent execute a macro to perform actions like this, and would include a confirmation checkbox agent-only field that's required to submit the ticket (or solve).
Vanesa Mircheva
Hello Team,
In the previous version, when an e-mail contained a word like ‘attached’ or similar and you forget to upload a file, an alert message appeared informing you that there is nothing attached. With the Agent Workspace, we noticed that the dialogue is shown only if you type 'Please find attachment'.
If you type something similar like "attached" file" or "document attached" it doesn't work the same way.
We'd greatly appreciate it if you add this alert for all similar phrases!
Thank you.
Rachel G.
Feature Request: Ability to enable and customize a pop-up confirmation box when tickets are submitted/updated under specific statuses (especially, statuses Pending & Solved).
The idea is to have the pop-up include reminders regarding our internal processes and then allow our agents to select between two confirmation options such as Cancel/Go back OR Continue/Submit Ticket. This would be very helpful for our team because it's NOT uncommon for agents to accidently submit tickets under the wrong status which oftentimes leads to customer upset/confusion. For example, an agent may accidently mark a ticket as Solved when the appropriate status to use is On-Hold. When an error like this occurs, our CSAT survey is sent out prematurely and customers will update the CSAT survey, leaving a negative review. Once this error is clarified and the question/concern is later resolved, it is hit or miss as to whether the customer will update the CSAT survey. We run into similar problems when agents misuse the Pending status.
That said, I'd really love if this feature could be implemented at some point. Thanks!
Shawna James