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Agent Productivity - Solved, Pending and On Hold

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Publication le 12 avr. 2022

Hi All,

I'm having some trouble trying to find out how many tickets each of my agents handles per day (solved + pending + on hold). I can find # of solved tickets per day but I really want to account for all tickets they handle daily. Im hoping someone here can help me as I haven't found a solution through support. 






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Pedro Rodrigues

Community Moderator

Hi Bilan Jenkins, you can create a standard calculated metric in Explore to see this (under the Updates history dataset), but just to clarify: do you want to consider agent updates when the ticket status was Pending/Hold/Solved, or only agent status updates (i.e. when they changed the ticket status to Pending/Hold/Solved)?


Pedro Rodrigues I'd like to do the same as the original poster but don't understand your question. 

How would I go about reporting on all updates by agent who either updated a ticket to pending, solved, or on hold? 

My end goal is to produce one metric for:  total tickets created - tickets updated to pending, solved, or on hold by date the ticket was created 


Pedro Rodrigues thanks for your reply! I too am a bit confused by your question. Here is an example of what I am looking for: 

  • I have 5 agents on my team
  • There are 500 new emails in our queue 
  • Each agent is expected to reply to at least 100 of those new tickets per day. This means that they should be moving a minimum of 100 tickets into solved, pending and/or on hold each day

I hope that clarifies what I am looking for!


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Pedro Rodrigues

Community Moderator

Hello Tres Moore/ Bilan Jenkins you can achieve this with a standard calculated metric or attribute.

For example, under the "Support: updates history" dataset, let's create a standard calculated attribute to validate the cases we want. We'll name it "Admin • Agent status update":

IF [Updater role] != "End-user" AND [Changes - Field name] = "status" 
AND ([Changes - New value] = "solved" 
OR [Changes - New value] = "pending" 
OR [Changes - New value] = "hold")
THEN "Valid"

In our report filters, let's add our new ""Admin • Agent status update" attribute and filter it to show the "Valid" cases.

That's it. We now can build a report based on these status updates by agents.

Example result:

To see these updates per agent, we'd add "Updater name" to the report rows.

Hope this helps!


I tried this filter but it cannot be displayed or executed.



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Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Marc Dennis Javier 

That's a common issue with Explore when it's loading too much data in less than 2 minutes. It's the same for both reports & also filters. Try Eugene's recommendation to avoid that issue in your report: Explore report cannot be displayed


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