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Guide Dashboard - who has viewed my articles
Publication le 09 mai 2022
I have use a section in my knowledge base which is restricted, only agents and admins can see the content. I use this section to post important updates to my agent base about what has changed in the system, and how to use certain features. I use the Guide Dashboard to see the article view count, but what I would really like to have is a means to see exactly who has viewed a given article, this way I will also know who has not as it is very important that my agents consume the content located in this restricted section. I do not see a means to do that with the Guide Dashboard, is there a way to do so? My instance is inward facing with SSO, all users are signed-in users, and so that info must be captured somehow and is not anonymous.
16 commentaire
Orsolya Forster
Thank you for the feedback David Brown!
I'm marking this as feature request for future dataset extensions.
Here's a couple of queries that might help you:
Counting the agents who use the knowledge section
Help center article views within 30 days of creation
The second one might need some tweaking to remove the 30 days of creation criteria.
CJ Johnson
There is no way, as far as I know, to use Explore to find out who exactly viewed an article, even if you are only asking about agents who are signed in. There is nothing that ties the viewer ID to agent IDs or anything on the dataset that would let you translate a viewer ID into an agent name, unfortunately.
David Brown
CJ Johnson if true, this is not great. I use the restricted section effectively as a space for on-demand training, with articles containing instructional videos. I really would like a means to know who has and has not viewed the content. I am very interested in having access to that level of insight.
Miguel Salas
David Brown - I know that Article ID, User Name (your agent), and Date are captured when an agent attaches an article using the KC app. You can confirm this by opening ZD Explore > Zendesk Guide > Knowledge Capture, then scroll down to Knowledge Capture activity by agent > and select "Drill in" for the "Linked articles" of whichever username you're looking to analyze.
With that in mind, perhaps you can build a report that shows you a list of your agent names + any Article IDs they've used during any given period. You can then require the agents to attach articles from your restricted KB as internal notes to a ticket (via KC app) whenever they've read/used them, effectively capturing the event for your Agent Name + Article ID + Date report?
Phillip Stewart
Please expand the Guide data set. The ability to drill down to see usage by specific user groups is critical.
With the current Guide data set, you can only drill down by "role" (i.e. agent / anonymous / end-user).
But "end-user" is a too broad a category --- for us it include all customers and even our own (non-agent) staff. We need to be able to see the data for specific customers, and separate our internal (non-agent) usage from our customer usage.
The Support data lets you query by "Organisation" --- this would be great to have in the Guide dataset too! Or even to be able to filter by "user segment", which seems to be a more Guide-centric way of grouping users.
Another vote for this feature. Would like to know which of our customers/orgs is looking at any given article to give us insights into development of those features, or similar features, based on which "branch" of our customer base is looking.
Hi David Brown,
I have a similar use case where I would like to track what internal articles the agents are viewing, the timestamp of each time they access an article, and the value of a vote (thumbs up or down, not the sum or average) to make sure they are reading and being compliant and up to date.
Luckily, the value of the vote should be released by the end of this month based on a comment in this article Explore Metric Addition - Down Vote, Up Vote, Total Votes
With the help of Miguel Salas comment above, I was able to create a report that might be a temporary solution to track if the agents are referencing the correct articles to solve issues by linking an article to a ticket. The only issues I have with this are the following:
Here is a screenshot of my report in case it's of any use to anyone:
Another vote for this feature and hopefully zendesk will marking this for future dataset extensions soon.
I would like to know whose agent already read the articles. hence I can only track the number of views on the articles that are created
however, the article views does not show whose agents already read the articles
this feature would enhance our agents product knowledge
mike warr
Adding my vote to this please! We’re switching away from a system that provides this functionality and missing it will cause a lot of pain for our reps who contact customers and talk to them about the articles the have not viewed!!
Ron de Vries
Desiring the capability to observe individuals who have accessed a specific category, section, or article. As our efforts are geared towards fostering behavioral shifts within the organization, having this functionality would greatly enhance our ability to provide reports to the MT
Richard Harris 2
+1 we would like to see which users are making the most of our internal articles to improve their knowledge and self serve themselves rather than reach out to other team members with questions
Ryan Hill
Another vote for this as tracking article viewership would aid in understanding where specific customers struggle as well as identify candidates for upsell opportunities based on their article views and guide search history.
Brock Mullins
Hey I'm currently developing something similar to this post with Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and Google Tag Manager (GTM). I'm trying to nail down the “signed in” user viewing history of a help center article. I know there's a user ID within Zendesk (ZD) and I'm wondering if when the ZD user visits the page GA4 can capture that ZD user ID or something uniquely identifying.
I'll explain it at a higher level too:
So, a few hundred employees are onboarded to start working a cruise on “Boat A”. Everyone who has to work on Boat A is required to read the employee handbook that covers important safety policies. This employee handbook is an article in Zendesk Guide/Help Center. All employees that are onboarded will be signed into ZD when viewing this employee handbook. There will also be many other helpful employee articles in the Help Center too.
Currently I have configured GA4 & GTM to capture events when anyone views “Boat A Employee Handbook”. I haven't yet been able to narrow down this value from “anyone” to “specific ZD user ID”. Basically it's for compliance; if Boat A employee didn't read the Boat A Employee Handbook regarding safety and did something dangerous, the company would want to know if this specific employee, on this specific boat read the handbook or not.
Has anyone worked on a solution similar or want to talk about how it might be possible? There's so many other data points on an article that'd be useful on implementations as well, after harnessing the power of GA4 haha. I think this would be a cool subject to collaborate on!
Afton Rupert
+1 for this feature