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What can cause 422 UnprocessableEntity while deleting a ticket using the API
Publication le 16 mai 2022
We try to delete tickets using the API and get a 422 response.
{"error":"RecordInvalid","description":"Record validation errors","details":{}}
I dont know what to think of it as the ticket seems to be deleted afterwards and there is no body that could be wrong.
Anyone else had the same expericence? Most deletion request seems to go through returning 204.
12 commentaire
Greg Katechis
Hi Christian! That is definitely strange, I can't imagine what could cause a 422 on a delete request. I'm doing some research on my side, as well as reaching out to the dev team that owns that endpoint to see if they can add any insight. I'll drop you a line when I learn more!
Iw Jhun
Hello, I have the same problem.
422 error seems to have occurred since May
No error before April
Greg Katechis
Thanks for the report, Iw!
I wanted to let everyone know that I am having a conversation with the team and they are investigating this. We are seeing this same issue for a number of accounts, so our advocates have opened a problem ticket so that we can get additional eyes on this.
The good news is that this appears to just be an incorrect response, without additional downstream effects on your account. The bad news is that this will potentially cause problems with error handling that any customers might be using in their own applications/integrations/scripts/etc.
I will keep you updated in this post as I learn more and hopefully we will have a resolution for you soon!
Christian Nötzli
Hi Greg,
Thank you for your update and the confirmation that the tickets are indeed deleted.
Michael Chen
Hi Greg Katechis
I just wanted to bump this ticket as we're experiencing the same thing. We're using the Ruby client to interact with the Zendesk API and we're deleting tickets via ZendeskAPI::Ticket#delete.
We're also getting a
Status 422 {\"error\"=>\"RecordInvalid\", \"description\"=>\"Record validation errors\", \"details\"=>{}}
response back from Zendesk for a handful of tickets, with no other metadata to help us investigate on our end. This has happened once on May 9, 2022 and 5 times on May 18, 2022.
Our operation does a retry and that retry job does succeed. I did validate on the Zendesk UI that I can no longer see these tickets, but I'd appreciate it if you could also confirm that these tickets were fully deleted on Zendesk's backend.
Let me know if I can help provide any more details.
I appreciate you looking into this for us!
- Michael
Greg Katechis
Christian Öhlin
We experience the same problem. Do you have any updates on the progress on this issue?
Ahmed Khan
Hi team,
I am also getting the same error but with deleting user API? do you what will be issue?
Greg Katechis
Hi Ahmed! It looks like there was a fix for this particular issue deployed about a month ago. From what I'm reading though, it sounds like you're having the same issue is the original requested. Just to confirm, could you let me know what endpoint you're hitting and what the specific error is that you're receiving?
Amanda Barber
Hi, Greg Katechis- I seem to be having this same issue when hitting the endpoint for permanently deleting users. When I hit the rate limit, I see the APIRateLimitExceeded error as expected, but prior to that I get:
status code: 422
{"error":"RecordInvalid","description":"Record validation errors","details":{"user_id":[{"description":"User Only one deletion request needed per user","error":"DuplicateValue"}]}}
Tipene Hughes
Hey Amanda Barber,
Do you have a rough idea of when you last saw this happen? Based on that, I'll take a look through the logs and see what I can find out.
Amanda Barber
Tipene Hughes - I just ran the script again right now (11.20.23 at 4:20pm central time) since I can't quite remember from last week. Thanks for looking into it.