Slack Integration - Post ticket updates to thread

Publication le 16 juin 2022

Hi all!

We have a channel in Slack where we have the Slack integration posting for new tickets. We would also like to ticket updates/comments posted in that channel too, but the current implementation where every update is a separate post in the channel is a bit too spammy, so we're probably going to have to turn it off.

It would be fantastic if there was an option to have updates to tickets go straight into a thread on the initial "ticket created" post. To be clear – we're not talking about side-conversations here, just the typical ticket update posts that are sent to Slack via the bot when you have that setting enabled.

Any chance of seeing something like that added as an option?





25 commentaire

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Sean Bourke

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Joel Watson,

Thanks for your feedback. We're currently working on some enhancements to the way that Slack notifications work and this feedback is very useful.

To better understand this, is your expectation that every subsequent update for a ticket is attached to a thread from the original or first post? Should these notifications still appear as a new message in the channel (as per Slack's 'Also send to #channel' when replying to a thread)?


Hi Joel and Sean,

Would this feature enhancement enable something similar in Google Chat (Spaces) - am guessing not but was just searching for something similar and came across this very new thread,

Am following to see the updates as Slack would be an option .. We used it for the same thing a few years ago but found similar results, a little too spammy, so we switch to just triggering the webhook for GChat on open/close of tickets




Hey @...,

To better understand this, is your expectation that every subsequent update for a ticket is attached to a thread from the original or first post?

Yes, that's right. You would be able to click into the thread and see each of the typical ZD ticket update posts in that thread.

Should these notifications still appear as a new message in the channel (as per Slack's 'Also send to #channel' when replying to a thread)?

I would love for this to be an option you could enable. My preference would be that this would only happen if a ticket is updated after some customizable period of time (e.g., N days after last update).


Just here to say that our team is also looking for this feature and wanted to add our interest in this being developed :) 


Currently I have a trigger to push ticket updates to a channel.  This seems to auto-thread the message as indicated by "ZendeskAPP replied to a thread:" but it also posts it to the channel itself.

Is it possible to toggle the also post to channel so that update responses are only in the thread? I would like to keep the channel more clear. 

I would also like to know if its possible to set the reaction emoji both for the message in thread as well as the parent message.  

The use case I'm looking for is creating a message on issue, keeping the updates in thread and also visually indicating status of thread by modifying reaction emoji's on the parent.  



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Sean Bourke

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey J. Greg Williams,

Thank you for your feedback. When we introduced Slack notifications in triggers, we retained the default behaviour of posting to the channel to align to the existing notification service, while also threading conversations to support better contextual history.

Based on the use case you've shared, it sounds like you'd like the option to toggle within the trigger whether a notification should have a channel notification in addition to a thread response; unless it is the first reply?


@... That's right. My initial post was also about that – having every update posted as a new post to the channel (even if you're also threading them) is too spammy. We just want one post for each ticket that's opened with a thread containing the responses so people can follow along if they want.


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Sara Ledger

Zendesk Luminary

This is definitely needed as it causes an inordinate amount of spam in the channel to post the thread data to the channel when we're just adding notes from a thread. 


Is it possible to post in different slack channels based on the trigger? I had to implement an integration with Slack through Zapier to get notifications in different channels based on certain conditions in triggers (SLAs for specific groups)


Hello! It's very interesting for my team and my project scope and possibility to send ticket updates within a single thread in Slack, as suggested by Joel! If there is any possibility, please contact us! Receiving all updates only through a new message in the channel is very spammy.


I also agree that this functionality can add the comment in the created thread, it would make it too easy.


We are looking for the same functionality as Joel mentioned.



This feature exists, but I'd like the ability to turn off the functionality that automatically sends the threaded reply to the channel. That option should be customisable.

I understand the drive to post to the channel to avoid missing updates, but the reverse is also true in that you can get updates that are too big, too often. Any feature you build, you should always give the users the option to turn it off, unless it poses a clear security threat or breaking change in the product or a workflow. The intent of the feature does not always match the desired outcome for a user.


+1 to be able to configure threaded-only Zendesk posts. Great idea. Our #support channel also feels a bit too spammy. 


Agreed - we need to turn off the “post to channel” feature for all notifications. The best solution here is to include it as an option within the trigger as there may be use cases where the preference varies based on trigger. But the high volume channels are far too spammy and very hard to make useful


Add us to the long list of folks wanting this update.


However, in the meantime, is it possible to configure a trigger ONLY for the first ticket update and any subsequent ticket updates do not get captured with the trigger? Not sure if possible to write a trigger based only only the first update with given criteria.


Ie. “When ticket is marked high priority” but none of the subsequent back and forths on the ticket after the initial flag. 


+1 This would be very helpful!


+1 This would be very helpful, the reply should only go into the thread. Does not need a new message in the channel as well as it makes the channel messy


+1 It can reply to a thread, which is great, but posting in the channel too seems like an added feature that some of us don't want. It'll be nice to turn off the “Also sent to the channel” feature


+1 adding my support to this idea! It would be extremely useful…


We built a Slackbot to solve this problem for us, posting here in case others find it useful:


I would add to this waiting list, its a great feature if you guys impliemnt in the future realses. 

One ticket; one thread in the channel for all the incoming tickets. 

As of now we are just able to view in the thread, however its also sent to the channel as new message, please let us how we can omit or disable the “also sent to the channel” option. 

Please feel free to connect with me for more details - 




This “feature” is really annoying as it is spamming our slack channels. In particular when there are several updates in tickets.  Short term we will probably just disable or try to modify the trigger.


It has been 2 years since the option to configure was discussed with a Product Manager. When will the option to configure be released?


(please dont just reply with the standard message about product update, feedback, link to forum and so on….)


Also following along, would be nice to have the option to avoid spamming the channel with new replies. 


It's honestly kind of embarrassing to give the community the opportunity to leave product feedback, only for the thread to remain open, and unresolved. If you're not going to do it, close the suggestion. At a minimum, you could at least give us an update a little more frequently than *checks notes* twice in two years?


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