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Last assignment to resolution time in Business Hour
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Publication le 28 juin 2022
We have a group of agents where their full resolution time is measured from the last assignment timestamp to the ticket solve timestamp. I am struggling with how to apply business hours versus calendar hours to the calculation. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can edit this calculation to account for business hours vs. calendar hours?
DATE_DIFF([Ticket solved - Timestamp],[Ticket assigned - Timestamp], "nb_of_hours")
3 commentaire
ZZ Graeme Carmichael
Unfortunately, I do not believe that is possible.
Zendesk tracks business hours metrics at ticket level, not at the assignee level. So it is not possible to drill to that level of detail.
Hannah Lucid
Hi! I am also curious on why time from last assignment to resolution can't be converted to business hours. Isn't this just a conversion of time? Also, isn't the assign event stamped on the ticket, thus it lives at the ticket level? Trying to better understand. :)
Chai T.
Some metrics come natively out of the system. Others - the ones with the eye icon beside it- are calculated between timestamps. Only the former can be 'business hours'. You are also correct in notating that assignment events are part of the ticket events. When you could say that it lives at the ticket level, it also relies on the system's stamped time.
Of course, Hannah. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about Explore and the Last assignment to Resolution time metric.