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Route calls by agents skills
Publication le 20 juil. 2022
It would be very useful to be able to route calls by languages (Skill).
We have some agents with ''English'' skill and ''French'' skill. But, the only way to route calls correctly with our phone menu is by creating groups.
It causes problem because the agents are able to access the groups for French and English and those are not supposed to contain tickets or just to be seen by the agents.
The skills setting is a nice idea and have a lot of potential, but is not very develop for now, unfortunately.
4 commentaire
Sean Chuang
Hi Sophie,
Thanks for the feedback. We hear ya! We will be improving language based skills routing, coming this year. However, can you elaborate more about the IVR side and how grouping based on language (e.g., press 1 for English, press 2 for French) is not working for your needs?
Sophie St-L.
Hi Sean,
Thank you for your answer.
The grouping based on language is working, but not the way we needed.
We would have preferred not to have to create new groups for our IVR to work properly.
It would be very useful to be able to route telephone calls according to the linguistic skills of the agents.
Barry Neary
Just to let you know we are a launching an EAP at the end of Febuary 2023 that will enable customers using omnichannel routing to route support tickets based on skills. More information to follow, but you can apply for this EAP here, or if you have any questions post them in this thread.
Barry Neary
Hi all
We have now released skills in omnichannel routing, including
- the ability to change skills on a ticket using a trigger
- route tickets from all channels to agents based on skills