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Ability to retrieve count of unread responses
Publication le 29 juil. 2022
Is there any way in the API to retrieve the number of unread posts for a given user? We want to be able to signal to the user that they have responses (outside of the typical e-mail notification), but we are not seeing an easy way to do that within the existing API methods.
5 commentaire
Eric Nelson
Could you give me a bit more information on what you're looking for here? Are you wanting to base the amount of "unread" posts off of agent responses without an answer from the customer?
Andrew Belonger
Yes, that is what I would expect "unread" to be - agent responses without an answer from the customer (and the number would be specific to that customer).
Eric Nelson
We don't have an endpoint that you could call to get this number easily. That being said, you could write a script to call the list comments endpoint and count the amount of public agent comments since the last customer response. Either way, I'll log this as feedback and pass it along to the Product team to see if this is something they'd like to add in the future.
Andrew Belonger
Is there an easy way within the comment response to determine if it is a customer versus agent comment? I am assuming it would have to be something based off the author_id
Eric Nelson
You're correct, the easiest way would be to base it off the author_id.