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Slack zendesk form

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Publication le 02 août 2022


Is there a way for the slack zendesk form to be customised, for example the user can select forms that exist within zendesk, rather than a generic form ?




2 commentaire

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Jeff C

Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Foad,

The native integration currently does not support multiple ticket forms however our product teams handling this feature are aware of this and considering enhancements for it. We do not have any timelines though but we are looking for constant ways to improve our product offerings.

I've marked this up for product feedback as well.


Hey Jeff, 

Is they a way to add additional fields to the default form on Slack? What could be our option to explore if, natively, this is not an option?

For example: adding a requester that is not a Slack user (external).

The screenshot below is what we currently have in place on Slack


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