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Explore: Number of tickets with a public update per day for entire team (Engagements)

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Publication le 09 sept. 2022

In the chat dataset, there's a great metric of 'engagements' which essentially shows the number of customers an agent spoke to (on chat) in a day. We feel this is a fairer metric overall than ticket solves since more than one agent can touch a ticket (or to put it another way, multiple agents can 'engage' with a customer on a single ticket). However, there isn't really an equivalent metric that I'm aware of for email interactions. The closest I can think of is the number of tickets with a public comment on a given day for each agent, but I'm not sure how to build such a report. 

I know we can use the Update History dataset to count the number of total public comments per agent on a given day, but how can I build a report that only counts one public comment per ticket? Any advice is greatly appreciated!


End goal: Total number of customers an agent spoke to per day, by combining chat engagements and email 'engagements.' 



3 commentaire

I think I may have found a way to do this, but it's a cumbersome dataset and not the most streamlined. I'm already getting data-limit warnings and as the team grows it's only going to get worse.



I personally would not use "Engagements" to try and measure the work an agent did in chat. This is because the count of "Engagements" includes when an agent misses an assignment, as an engagement. To me, an agent being offered a chat and failing to pick it up, should not count as work. 
Using Accepted Assignments would be a little better, because it wouldn't include those missed assignments, but for me, I found still fails to account for customers who immediately leave the chat when an agent joins, leaving the agent nothing to do. Should a chat with no real messages weigh the as the same amount of work as a five minute chat? This may be a non-problem however, if your chat is business to business or you simply just don't see this behavior from your customers. If you do see this issue, one way you can solve for this is by additionally only including chats where the agent sent for example, 2 or more messages. 
Edit: this is what that formula can look like, found my version: 
IF ([Engagement assignment]="Assignment Accepted") 
AND SUM(Engagement agent messages) > 2
THEN [Engagement ID]

For the second half, I think that the following will get you where you want to go! 
Dataset: Updates History
 Metric: Tickets updated w/public comment
 Updater role: Agent
 Update - Date : Whatever date range you want to look at. 
Attributes: Updater Name

That will return a count of how many tickets each agent updated with at least 1 public comment during the time period selected: 


This is incredibly helpful insight. Thank you so much CJ. 


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