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Announcing redesigned @mentions in composer - We need your feedback :)
Publication le 10 oct. 2022
Hello everyone,
A redesigned @mentions feature is now available on Agent Workspace starting October 10, 2022. We will conclude this rollout on October 18, 2022.
We would love to hear from you. Please let us know how you’re using this new feature, what’s your impression of it and how we can improve this experience! Thank you!
What is changing?
With this release, we are improving the experience of using the @mentions feature in the ticket interface. The changes you will experience are listed below:
- When you successfully @mention someone in the composer, you will now see a yellow highlight, an at symbol (@) in front of the agent’s name, and agent’s name in bold to indicate that an agent has been mentioned successfully.
- If there is an error during mentioning them, the yellow highlight and bold will disappear indicating that there is an error with the mention.
- If you press backspace and you enter into the edit state of @mention, that will show the error state of @mention. You will need to @mention the person again.
- You can search for an agent by typing the first name and continue with typing the last name as well. Previously, pressing space after typing the first name would close the @mentions search menu, but now you can easily continue searching by typing the last name.
- To exit the @mention search menu, press the Esc key.
Why is Zendesk making this change?
This new feature provides a few enhancements to make the @mention feature easier to use and to prevent unresolved or incorrect @mentions from occurring.
What do I need to do?
Redesigned @mentions feature is activated for all accounts that have Agent Workspace activated.
10 commentaire
CJ Johnson
Are there plans to include a toggle to turn this feature off entirely?
For clarity - this feature is not wanted. This is introducing yet another untrackable, unreportable, un-view-buildable way to mark a ticket as related to an agent. If I cannot track it, view all @mentions in a view, or build reports around its use, then it's not a good fit and I don't want anyone to accidentally bump into this and try to use it.
Amisha Sharma
Hello CJ Johnson - Thanks for engaging.
There is no change in the @mentions behavior as soon as you submit your response. This release is only changing how @mentions look in the composer when done successfully / unsuccessfully. There are no plans for including a toggle for this yet. Could you share more about your requirements for a toggle?
Nick Wurm
In addition to adding this feature to the composer, you should consider adding it to the Zendesk Sell app for Zendesk Support. Currently, we have to type out someone's full email address in the notes to sales to ensure notification is received on their end in Zendesk Sell.
Anna Valdez
I like this update, thanks
Buster Solomon
Thank you very much for this new feature. Was really looking forward to seeing it. What about beta-testing the whole suite? Did you get it from or you tested it yourself? I want to create something of my own in HTML, but I am not that much sure of myself. So I think I will need some help.
Amisha Sharma
Hello Nick Wurm - Thanks! We will share your feedback with the Sell team.
Hello Anna Valdez - Thank you, glad you like it :)
Nino Callueng
Is this feature available too in the Side Conversation especially if it is connected to slack?
Ilya Novikov
Is it possible to mention the ticket number like @37235 and get the link to ticket inserted?
You can add "#<ticket ID>" instead. For example:
It will link the ticket to the comment once submitted and it's clickable. Like this one:
Hope this helps!
Ilya Novikov
Thank you!