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Automated message in Flow when department is offline
Publication le 17 oct. 2022
We would like to forward to our customer service at one point in our messaging flow. In order to forward the chat/message to the correct department, we have included a field where the customer can select the department. Now when the customer selects the department and it is not online, we want to send the customer a message.
Although we can set a trigger in the chat dashboard to send a message whenever a department is offline. However, we cannot set the condition that the customer must have previously also selected this department/group in the fields we show in the flow.
This way the department's out of office message will always be sent to the customer, even if the customer has selected another department that is online.
In our opinion, there should either be the ability to select fields in the messaging triggers in the chat dashboard or there needs to be a trigger in the general triggers to query the online status of a group.
We would also appreciate any workaround. Currently, we don't see any other way to tell our customers that a particular department is not online.
1 commentaire
laura abraham
As editing the article doesn't work, I will add one more information here. :-)
I attach an example of how we thought we could achieve the state that an automated message can be sent depending on the chat department selected.
Unfortunately, it is the case that the first condition "Department | Equal | Webshop Consulting" ("Abteilung | Gleich | Webshop Beratung") only accesses the Pre-Chat form, which we do not use in our flow, since we have the bot active. If this condition could also access the form previously sent in the bot, that would be a perfectly fine solution. Thanykou :-)