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Android - Live Chat: Enable Help Article Suggestions

Publication le 22 nov. 2022

We can't enable help article suggestions in Zendesk live chat.

Is this feature support available for Zendesk Live chat?



3 commentaire

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Eric Nelson

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Manisha,

To use answer bot's article suggestion feature you'd need to implement this via the unified sdk.

Hope this helps!


Hello Eric,

I have used the below code to enable help article suggestions for live chat.

.withToolbarTitle("Live Chat")
.show(this, chatConfiguration)

I have implemented it as per Unified SDK.

Can we get a Help Article suggestions when the answer bot agent is online?

Is there any dependency on the Help article agent online or offline?

In my case always agent is offline,

withMultilineResponseOptionsEnabled = true using Help article suggestion feature enable?



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Eric Nelson

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hey Manisha,

I'm not sure I follow you on what you mean in regards to the answerbot agent being online or offline. As it is a bot, it will always be online. If you're referring to just when a human agent is online or offline -  if configured correctly the answer bot will provide article suggestions before the user has the option to move into a chat. We have a great diagram that walks you through the flow of this.
Hope this helps!


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