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Customer Data in ZenDesk

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Publication le 02 janv. 2023

We're struggling a bit with customer data, and I can’t find where to look.
Take a look at this marketing post:
This is what we need, and frankly, the entire reason we signed up for Zendesk.  Unfortunately it does not appear this works:
- While we don’t need Sell, in order to manage customer data we do need Contacts (part of Sell)
- Sell does not integrate with external apps cleanly, Support does.
- Customer data is not integrated between Sell and Support (this can’t possibly be true, but ZenDesk support says it is)
I think we're missing something fundimental in the way zendesk deals with customer data



2 commentaire

Thanks for the answer - that confirms what I have found.

That’s what I was afraid of.  I guess we bought into the idea that a “suite” is not a couple stand alone tools


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Brett Elliott

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Gregg Hansen

If you don't mind me asking, what is it about Contacts in Sell that make them suitable, and what makes Users in Zendesk not suitable for you? What would you need users in Support to be able to do?


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