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Explore - How to generate a report to show any articles that have not been updated in the last 1 year?
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Publication le 03 mars 2023
I'd like to report any articles that are growing old, or out of date. This will ensure quality control in that our library of articles are not growing out of date, or no longer irrelevant. I wouldnt want the answer bot, or our users to reference old articles that are no longer relevant. How can I report on all my articles, and display how long its been since they were last edited.
I would need to either sort by last edited date.
Or I would need to filter by last edited date.
4 commentaire
Jon Daniels
This is a good idea, Andy!
Currently the closest feature that's built-in (for Enterprise Guide and Suite Enterprise) is this "review article" feature in Guide, where articles can be set to remind the author on a set periodic time that an review and/or update is needed:
Setting reminders to review and verify articles
I agree that the feature you're requesting is very useful, so I'm hoping we can build something like this into Explore going forward.
Eugene Orman
You also can create a report like this in the Knowledge Capture dataset:

Although this dataset is not designed for this case it has the latest Article updated - Date attribute that you can use to filter and slice the data. The only thing you will need to do is to create a simple calculation like this, that counts article IDs:
Sara Anthony
Eugene Orman I am looking into this as well for our dashboard to help maintain updated content - however I see you referenced the data set - and I know I recently received communication from zendesk saying that the data set is going to be phased out. Can you provide another work around to creating a dashboard that shows a list of articles and the date they were last edited. thank you!
Champa Sharma
When are we likely to get an update on this feature request. It's really hard for us to track and measure and even report on articles which have been reviewed within the last 6 months in order to keep with Knowledge article hygiene processes.