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Reporting on Agent adding tag
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Zendesk Luminary
Publication le 20 mars 2023
I'm putting together a report for agents translating messages. We have a trigger that adds a tag x when an agent translates a message from our customer. The report I've made is from the updates history dataset but it's counting tickets with tag x for multiple agents who worked on that ticket.
Example: Agent A translates ticket -> trigger adds tag x -> customer responds -> Agent B now solves the ticket.
The report shows both agents tag x count as 1 when Agent A should have 1 and Agent B should have 0.
Is there a way to get the report to show how many tickets the tag was added for each agent but ONLY get the number of tickets tag x was added?
2 commentaire
Zach SK
Unfortunately, you cannot report on this for tags but you can for fields. Instead of having a trigger apply a tag, create and hide a checkbox field and have the trigger check the box. This way you can report on the field change.
This thread sheds a little more light on this:
Frank Ferris
The checkbox solution should work. Alternatively if you don't have TONS of agents, you could use a unique tag for each agent for easier reporting, but obviously not the most scalable solution.