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Image Code and Fancybox Code
Publication le 08 juin 2023
Hi there,
When I upload a new image to an article in Zendesk Guide (Help Center), I no longer see the image code like I did before, which in turn does not allow me to create a 'fancybox' code resulting in my desired enlarged image.
For example, previously when I would upload an image, the code would read something like this: <img src="/hc/article_attachments/9659867730445/new_sex_at_birth_field.png" alt="new_sex_at_birth_field.png">
and would include that image numerical code (9659867730445).
And now when I upload an image, it only shows this code: <img src="/guide-media/01H2BV9X81VJCD287NZG26B73R" alt="newacceptinvite.png">
When I try to insert that into the fancybox code, it does not work for me.
For reference, in the past my final (functional) fancybox code would be this:
<p class="wysiwyg-text-align-center">
<a class="fancybox" href="/hc/article_attachments/9659867730445/new_sex_at_birth_field_-_Copy.png" alt="new_sex_at_birth_field_-_Copy.png"
><img src="/hc/article_attachments/9659867730445/new_sex_at_birth_field_-_Copy.png" alt="new_sex_at_birth_field_-_Copy.png"></a>
but now with the new code I get when I upload an image, I no longer have the image code to insert in this fancybox code; instead, I have this longer numerical/alphabetical code that does not work when I insert into the fancybox code: <img src="/guide-media/01H2BV9X81VJCD287NZG26B73R" alt="newacceptinvite.png">
Any ideas of how to navigate this?
1 commentaire
Hrishikesh Narendra Pande
Gabriela Granados Gabriela Granados , we are facing same issue. Endusers are not able to access any image,attachment post the guide media update from zendesk.
Katarzyna Karpinska - Is there any update on this issue ? As I can see in community, multiple users are facing this issue.