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Help us build AI features for Zendesk Explore
Publication le 02 nov. 2023
đź‘‹ Hello Zendesk Community,
We're developing a new feature for Zendesk Explore - Quick reports using natural language processing. This feature will allow you to interact with the system using everyday, conversational language. By asking questions, you can streamline the process of creating reports and more.
To optimize this feature, we need your help! We're collecting questions that you would typically use as prompts to retrieve the data you require in your everyday work. These can be simple or complex, as long as they reflect your needs. For instance, prompts could be, "What's the average response time for tickets today?" or "Show me the number of unresolved tickets in the last 24 hours on a line graph".
To participate, reply to this post with your prompts. Your input will help us train our AI model and make this feature more user-friendly.
🙏 Thank you for your contributions!
The Zendesk Explore Team
PS. Our goal is to launch the Early Access Program (EAP) for this feature next year. Stay tuned for more updates!
19 commentaire
Brandon Tidd
I asked AI to respond to your prompt Tomasz Kancelista - here's what it generated:
That sounds like an exciting feature for Zendesk Explore! Here are some example prompts and questions that users might find helpful for generating quick reports using natural language processing:
I hope these prompts can help you in optimizing your natural language processing feature for Zendesk Explore. Good luck with your development!
Bruno Muniz
A few suggestions:
Really great and exciting feature for Explore. Maybe if we can possibly include suggestion as well on how to formulate specific custom metrics or attributes given that not all are present in Explore hence needing to create one based on business needs.
1. "Can you help me to formulate custom metric for Same Day Resolved Ticket"
Other common questions can be:
1. "Can you show me a graph showing Achieved and Breached SLA"
2. "Show me a report which agent has the most number of missed assignment in Chat"
3. "Give me a report which shows all Ageing Tickets"
4. "Can you give a report on numbers of Solved tickets based on the number of tickets created per day"
Engin EKEN
Hi, I'll leave a few suggestions below.
Stephan Marzi
Great feature I would really appreciate (it is becoming a new standard in our business!).
My additional topics/ prompts would be as follows:
What are the customers/ users with a sentiment negative/ very negative (confident high)?
Which agent uses the highest amount of makros or help center articles?
What are the top 10 makros of our agents?
Show me the hours of the biggest backlog?
Take care!
Ifra Saqlain
Hi The Zendesk Explore Team,
Questions are given below:
When user(Fresher) doesn't have any data or they are confused so they can ask the related question such as -
Steve Lacoss
Here are a few questions.
Pedro Rodrigues
Acknowledging I might be stepping away from the scope of the post (as it relates to query/report-related needs), I'd probably use AI for other mundane tasks, like for example:
Just food for thought!
CĂ©cile Gao
Great upcoming feature with NLP ! Can't wait to see it in action. Here are a few thoughs:
- Show me the busiest times per department
- Show me how many tickets each agent of each department currently has to their name
- What are the oldest unsolved tickets age and why are they still unsolved
- Which tickets are in need to be solved urgently ?
- Give me a sample of bad CSAT tickets and verbatims the past week / the past month
- Give me a sample of good CSAT tickets and verbatims the past week / the past month
- What is the most common topic amongst unsatisfied customers ?
- What are the most common reasons customer are satisfied ?
- How do good and bad customer satisfaction compare ?
- What are the reasons behind the current satisfaction score ?
- Which SLA targets / policy was most commonly violated the past period ?
- Why did we or didnt we achieve the SLA targets the past week / past month?
- Which customers are currently unsatisfied and may need a call back ?
- Give me a list of tickets that were solved with unusually high agent touches the past week.
- Show me which agents may need the most coaching and for which topics according to their satisfaction scores.
- Show me which topics are the most time consuming to resolve
- Show me which agents may need the most coaching and for which topics according to their satisfaction scores.
- Show me how answer/resolution times affect customer satisfaction.
- Which articles are currently rated the worst on my help center
- Which articles are currently rated the best on my help center
- Why are my low rated articles low rated ?
- Why are my high rated articles well rated ?
- Should I created any new article on the Help center ?
- Which articles are useless on my help center ?
- Are end users autonomous enough on my help center ?
- How are agents engaging with the help center ?
- What's the average customer wait time before we lose a call ?
- What's the average customer wait time before we lose a chat?
- Which one of my IVR branches is performing the best with call acceptance
- Which one of my IVR branches is performing the worst with call acceptance
- Why did we lose calls the past period
- Why did we lose chats the past period
- What's the average time elapsed before customer re-contact us on a pending request ?
Ashley Caputo
What a great feature! I think team members that are not regularly in Zendesk, but are interested in customer data will really benefit from this feature. I'm thinking teams like Product, Engineering, Sales, Success, Marketing.
Tomasz Kancelista
Thank you, folks! Your contributions are invaluable. Please feel free to continue posting if you have more ideas. Stay tuned for updates!
The Zendesk Explore Team
Daniel Dallimore
This sounds like it could be a really quick way for users not so familiar with Explore to find the information they are looking for!
Pete Holborow
THIS is the EAP I've been waiting for. I could spend less time learning how to use Explore custom metric syntax and more time analysing what I care about.
Some suggested prompts:
Mark Leci
I am certain this will be useful for our team if it can be implemented in the right way - we have a number of lower level admins and most do not have the time to learn about how ZD explore metrics and fields work. Here are some suggestions of prompts I think we would use, mostly around change over time - I also stole one of Pete's questions above as this is a huge one!
Thanks for providing the opportunity to share our feedback, here are some questions I'd be interested in:
Adding more that I thought of.
Mark Leci
I really like the CSAT trends by topic one - I feel like this would be quite a few steps to implement in Explore manually.
The biggest ones for me are:
Scott Butwina
Samantha Ramirez
Lots of great suggestions here already, but I'd love to add a few around SLAs: