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Help us build AI features for Zendesk Explore

Publication le 02 nov. 2023

đź‘‹ Hello Zendesk Community,

We're developing a new feature for Zendesk Explore - Quick reports using natural language processing. This feature will allow you to interact with the system using everyday, conversational language. By asking questions, you can streamline the process of creating reports and more.

To optimize this feature, we need your help! We're collecting questions that you would typically use as prompts to retrieve the data you require in your everyday work. These can be simple or complex, as long as they reflect your needs. For instance, prompts could be, "What's the average response time for tickets today?" or "Show me the number of unresolved tickets in the last 24 hours on a line graph".

To participate, reply to this post with your prompts. Your input will help us train our AI model and make this feature more user-friendly.

🙏 Thank you for your contributions!

The Zendesk Explore Team

PS. Our goal is to launch the Early Access Program (EAP) for this feature next year. Stay tuned for more updates!




19 commentaire

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Brandon Tidd

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group LeaderThe Humblident Award - 2021Community Moderator

I asked AI to respond to your prompt Tomasz Kancelista - here's what it generated:

That sounds like an exciting feature for Zendesk Explore! Here are some example prompts and questions that users might find helpful for generating quick reports using natural language processing:

  1. "Give me the total number of tickets created last week."
  2. "Show a bar chart of customer satisfaction ratings for the past month."
  3. "What are the top 10 most common ticket categories this year?"
  4. "Display a trend line graph of ticket resolution times over the last quarter."
  5. "List the agents with the highest ticket closure rates in the last 30 days."
  6. "Can you compare the performance of our support team this year to last year?"
  7. "Show the daily ticket volume for the current month."
  8. "What's the average resolution time for high-priority tickets this week?"
  9. "Give me a pie chart of ticket types for the last 7 days."
  10. "Compare the response times for different support channels over the last quarter."

I hope these prompts can help you in optimizing your natural language processing feature for Zendesk Explore. Good luck with your development!


A few suggestions:

  • Show me the top 10 agents with most solved tickets last month in a bar graph.
  • Which categories are the ones with the lowest customer satisfaction score this year ?
  • Make a comparison between category and full resolution time for the last quarter.
  • What is the percentage of tickets created last week that are still unsolved ?
  • Which groups have the most open and new tickets right now ? 
  • Show me a table graph indicating which hours of the day are the ones with the most number of agent updates for the last 6 months.
  • Make a line graph showing my first reply time in business hours per week for the last 12 weeks.
  • Excluding tickets with zero agent public comments, what is my one-touch tickets percentage for the last year, show a column graph month by month.
  • Show me the percentage of calls accepted within 20 seconds in the past 3 months.
  • How many calls were abandoned yesterday ?
  • Show how many inbound calls each talk line received last week in a treemap graph.
  • Is my call duration increasing or decreasing when comparing this year versus last year ?
  • Show me a table of all current unsolved tickets in group XXXXX, listing: ticket ID, status, assignee name, subject, ticket creation date, ticket update date and unsolved ticket age in hours.


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Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Really great and exciting feature for Explore. Maybe if we can possibly include suggestion as well on how to formulate specific custom metrics or attributes given that not all are present in Explore hence needing to create one based on business needs. 

1. "Can you help me to formulate custom metric for Same Day Resolved Ticket"

Other common questions can be:
1. "Can you show me a graph showing Achieved and Breached SLA"
2. "Show me a report which agent has the most number of missed assignment in Chat"
3. "Give me a report which shows all Ageing Tickets"
4. "Can you give a report on numbers of Solved tickets based on the number of tickets created per day"


Hi, I'll leave a few suggestions below.

  • What percentage of tickets were created this weekend?
  • What percentage of tickets were resolved through chat?
  • What are the most common customer complaints?
  • What is the average response time for the support team?
  • What is the average age of unresolved tickets?
  • What is the average number of tickets per agent?
  • Which products or services have the highest customer satisfaction scores?
  • Which products or services have the lowest customer satisfaction scores?
  • How is the performance of the support team changing over time?
  • How does the performance of the support team compare to the performance of other support teams?
  • Show me the top 10 agents with the most resolved tickets last month in a bar graph.
  • What are the categories with the lowest customer satisfaction scores this year?
  • Compare category and full resolution time for the last quarter.
  • What percentage of tickets created last week are still unresolved?
  • Which groups have the most open and new tickets right now?


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Stephan Marzi

Zendesk Luminary

Great feature I would really appreciate (it is becoming a new standard in our business!).

My additional topics/ prompts would be as follows:

What are the customers/ users with a sentiment negative/ very negative (confident high)?

Which agent uses the highest amount of makros or help center articles?

What are the top 10 makros of our agents?

Show me the hours of the biggest backlog?


Take care!



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Ifra Saqlain

Zendesk LuminaryMost Engaged Community Member - 2022Most Engaged Community Member of The Year - 2021Community Moderator

Hi The Zendesk Explore Team,


Questions are given below:

  • List of same/common tickets of this month.
  • List of same/common tickets of this week.
  • List of tickets.
  • How many customers are satisfied in this month?
  • List of customers.
  • List of products.
  • Customers issues.
  • How to get an Explore report on the list of articles awaiting verification by author/owner?
  • Which agents closed the most tickets in this week/month?
  • How many tickets are open/closed/awaiting/resolved?
  • Who opened new tickets?

When user(Fresher) doesn't have any data or they are confused so they can ask the related question such as -

  • I tried enabling the report in the official document, but the reporting menu is not created.
  • There should be added Zendesk plan related questions.
  • There should be added some basic/common questions.
  • There should be added report/dataset/dashboard related questions.





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Steve Lacoss

Zendesk Luminary

Here are a few questions.

  • What hours are the most inbound tickets being created?
  • Which channel has the lowest first reply time?
  • How many tickets were created within an hour before opening or after closing?
  • How many calls were being attended at the time when we had an abandoned call?
  • What are the top 3 reasons customers reached out last week?
  • What was last week's FTE for inbound calls?
  • How many customers created duplicate tickets?
  • Who had the best conversion %?




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Pedro Rodrigues

Community Moderator

Acknowledging I might be stepping away from the scope of the post (as it relates to query/report-related needs), I'd probably use AI for other mundane tasks, like for example:

  • "duplicate this tab excluding the reports" 
  • "does 'XYZ' [standard attribute/metric] or similar exist in other datasets?"
  • "invert this report's colors"
  • "create a dashboard focused on these filters: custom filter 1, custom filter 2, created date, updated date, brand, group, form"
  • "create hidden bookmarks with the current filters and only changing Ticket created date for previous 7 days, previous 30 days, from 15 June 2023 to yesterday, and all time"
  • [building dashboard] "add all reports tagged ABC and move them to current screen position" (as reports added are always on the top, and dragging them can be very frustrating and unecessary)
  • "is there a similar report to this one, already?"

Just food for thought!



Great upcoming feature with NLP ! Can't wait to see it in action. Here are a few thoughs:

- Show me the busiest times per department 
- Show me how many tickets each agent of each department currently has to their name
- What are the oldest unsolved tickets age and why are they still unsolved 
- Which tickets are in need to be solved urgently ? 
- Give me a sample of bad CSAT tickets and verbatims the past week / the past month 
- Give me a sample of good CSAT tickets and verbatims the past week / the past month 
- What is the most common topic amongst unsatisfied customers ? 
- What are the most common reasons customer are satisfied ? 
- How do good and bad customer satisfaction compare ? 
- What are the reasons behind the current satisfaction score ?
- Which SLA targets / policy was most commonly violated the past period ?  
- Why did we or didnt we achieve the SLA targets the past week / past month? 
- Which customers are currently unsatisfied and may need a call back ? 
- Give me a list of tickets that were solved with unusually high agent touches the past week.
- Show me which agents may need the most coaching and for which topics according to their satisfaction scores. 
- Show me which topics are the most time consuming to resolve
- Show me which agents may need the most coaching and for which topics according to their satisfaction scores. 
- Show me how answer/resolution times affect customer satisfaction. 
- Which articles are currently rated the worst on my help center 
- Which articles are currently rated the best on my help center 
- Why are my low rated articles low rated ? 
- Why are my high rated articles well rated ? 
- Should I created any new article on the Help center ? 
- Which articles are useless on my help center ? 
- Are end users autonomous enough on my help center ? 
- How are agents engaging with the help center ? 
- What's the average customer wait time before we lose a call ? 
- What's the average customer wait time before we lose a chat? 
- Which one of my IVR branches is performing the best with call acceptance 
- Which one of my IVR branches is performing the worst with call acceptance 
- Why did we lose calls the past period
- Why did we lose chats the past period 
- What's the average time elapsed before customer re-contact us on a pending request ? 



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Ashley Caputo

Zendesk Luminary

What a great feature! I think team members that are not regularly in Zendesk, but are interested in customer data will really benefit from this feature. I'm thinking teams like Product, Engineering, Sales, Success, Marketing.

  • Which products have the highest/lowest CSAT/resolution time/touches per ticket?
  • Which macros are most used for products X,Y, and Z?
  • Which ticket categories are likely resolved in chat versus email?
  • What is the average active agent work time for each ticket category?
  • Which products/ticket categories have the most group reassignments?
  • Which ticket categories/products are showing abnormal daily/weekly/monthly trends?
  • Show me separate reports for CSAT by group, product, ticket category, agent, and channel.
  • Build a report of number of tickets for each of the tags starting with "macros_"
  • What is the weekly number of tickets and CSAT for product X after date XX/XX/XXXX compared to before that date?



Thank you, folks! Your contributions are invaluable. Please feel free to continue posting if you have more ideas. Stay tuned for updates!

The Zendesk Explore Team


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Daniel Dallimore

Zendesk Luminary

This sounds like it could be a really quick way for users not so familiar with Explore to find the information they are looking for!

  • What is the containment rate on my iOS bot this week?
  • Which of my agents in group X has solved the most tickets this quarter?
  • What is the most viewed help centre article for signed-in users?
  • What is the most used bot flow vs the least used bot flow?
  • Which agent solves Messenger tickets the quickest and has a satisfaction rating of over 80% for the month?


THIS is the EAP I've been waiting for. I could spend less time learning how to use Explore custom metric syntax and more time analysing what I care about.

Some suggested prompts:

  • What % of our tickets have negative or very negative sentiment with a high or medium confidence rate?
  • Are my 1st line agents performing at a similar rate?
  • Are any of my agents picking certain types of tickets preferentially?
  • What root causes (one of our custom fields) cause the most negative sentiment
  • Which agent uses the most macros?
  • Please follow this branding guide :link: and make this dashboard fit our brand
  • How many tickets are being deflected by the various tools we have in place (bots, guide suggestions etc)



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Mark Leci

Zendesk Luminary

I am certain this will be useful for our team if it can be implemented in the right way - we have a number of lower level admins and most do not have the time to learn about how ZD explore metrics and fields work. Here are some suggestions of prompts I think we would use, mostly around change over time - I also stole one of Pete's questions above as this is a huge one! 


  • How many tickets are being deflected by the various tools we have in place (bots, guide suggestions etc)
  • Show me the change in average monthly FRT for the support group over the last 24 months
  • What is the average number of comments on a ticket with the escalated_jira tag monthly in the last 6 months
  • What is the change in number of tickets per organization over the last 12 months
  • What is the number of unique users submitting tickets to each group over the last 12 months 
  • What is the average full resolution time for tickets in each group over the last 12 months 
  • What is the average number of tickets closed per agent per group compared to the overall average of the group 


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Zendesk Luminary

Thanks for providing the opportunity to share our feedback, here are some questions I'd be interested in:

  • What are the top 5 requested features or enhancements from customer support tickets over the past month?
  • What are the top 10 praises and pain points related to x issue/topic over the last week?
  • Which agents closed the most tickets last month and how does that compare to their averages
  • What are the top negative phrases from customer support tickets over the past day/week/month/quarter?
  • What percentage of chat/email conversations have been classified as frustrated in the past week?
  • Compare this week's average first response time to the same week last year.
  • Which 3 knowledge-base articles had the most views this month?
  • Provide me with a list of common phrases or topics that are not covered with knowledge-based articles.
  • How many tickets were created per day this week versus the weekly average for the past 6 months?
  • Which topic areas have seen the biggest/least improvement in CSAT score over the last 6 months?

Adding more that I thought of.

  • Show me the top 3 reasons for cancellations this month that we haven't seen in previous months.
  • What is the predicted ticket volume for next Monday based on historical trends?
  • Which article topics have seen increased traffic over the past week that are not typically popular?
  • Build a graph showing the correlation between first reply time and customer satisfaction rating.


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Mark Leci

Zendesk Luminary

I really like the CSAT trends by topic one - I feel like this would be quite a few steps to implement in Explore manually. 


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Zendesk Luminary

The biggest ones for me are:


  • What is the most used macro today?
  • Which article is leading the most users to submitting a ticket?
  • Which articles are getting the fewest views this month/quarter/year



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Scott Butwina

Zendesk Luminary

  • What is the average time spent per ticket per group over the past month?
  • What is the percentage of tickets that achieved first response SLA in the past quarter?  Make the text green if over 90%, orange if over 85%, and red if under 85%.
  • List all tickets opened by customer X during this calendar year, providing ticket priority, full resolution time, ticket status, and product.


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Samantha Ramirez

Zendesk Luminary

Lots of great suggestions here already, but I'd love to add a few around SLAs:


  • How many tickets breached SLA yesterday?
  • Which ticket categories breach SLA most often?
  • Which SLA policy is breached most often?


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