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How to change support email address in Guide Support Request?

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Publication le 21 nov. 2023


I've created a support request in Guide.

The emails sent from the support request go to the default email address support@<zendesk domain>.

I need that support requests go to a support email address (I've defined in Admin Center) mantaining the current default email address.

Is it possible and how?

Thank you in advance,




7 commentaire

Just to be clear:

default email address is support@<domain>

additional support address is support_2@<domain>

I need that support requests from Guide are addressed to support_2@<domain>, even if it isn't the default address.



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Christine Diego

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Franca,
The support address in Guide portal also follows the default address in Support. If you would like to change the support address used for the reply, the Select an Address app provides this functionality. 


Hi Christine,

thank you for your prompt replay.

I had a look and my understanding is that the Received at field is tied to the Groups. Actually my need is that a group/user can answer from both Zendesk email addresses: normally from default address and, only in case the ticket has been created from Guide portal, from support address.

Maybe I misunderstood something, but I cannot see how to get this result through the Select and Address app.

Thank you again and kind regards,



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Christine Diego

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Franca,
Have you added the external email address as one of your support address on your account? If you haven't please do so, you can follow the steps here Adding support addresses.
Once the email address has been added, and the select an address app has been installed, you should be able to see the list of email address from the dropdown on the app.
I hope this helps. 


Hi Christine,

actually the support address I've added isn't an external one, I just created it within Zendesk.

Then I sent an email to this address, it created a ticket to which I added a public comment that was received correctly from the support address. Just to specify that support address is working correctly, as far as I can see.

I've installed the app "Select an address" version 2.7.0.

I cannot see a list of email address to select from.

What I can see are free text areas where I can map email addresses to group.

So I cannot understand how to map email addresses to ticket coming from Guide.

Thank you again for your assistance,



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Christine Diego

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Franca,
When you received a request from your Guide request portal, it will create a ticket in Support. If you will need to send a reply on that request and you want to change the email address, you can use the Select an address app, this will show on the Apps page on the right hand side when you open the ticket and from there you can select from the dropdown the list of email address you can choose to select when you sending replies.


Hi Christine,

thanks a lot, now it's clear!

Actually my idea was a permanent connection of the support address with the ticket created from a guide form, but I understand it isn't possible. The only way is to change the Zendesk email address when answering to the final customer.

Kind regards,



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