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Formulaire : Piece jointe obligatoire
Publication le 28 nov. 2023
J’essaie de rendre obligatoire la pièce jointe dans mon formulaire, sans y parvenir.
J'ai suivit ce guide :
Mais mon code ne semble pas fonctionner, il s'agit de celui ci ajouter tout en bas du script.js :
$(document).ready(function () {
// Function to start observing node for mutations
var startObserveMutations = function (nodeSelector, options, callbackFunction) {
var node = document.querySelector(nodeSelector);
if (node) {
var observer = new MutationObserver(callbackFunction);
observer.observe(node, options);
return observer;
// Callback function to execute when mutations in form attachments or dropdown are observed:
// clear or select Attachment checkbox according to dropdown
var mutationObservedForm = function (mutationsList) {
mutationsList.forEach(function (mutation) {
if (mutation.type == 'childList') {
// Define some variables for requiring form attachments
var attachmentCheckboxField = 'request_custom_fields_15233785880850';
var attachmentCheckboxId = '#' + attachmentCheckboxField;
var attachmentErrorNotification = 'Test';
var formDropdownClass = '.request_custom_fields_15106539093266';
var formObserveMutationOptions = { childList: true, subtree: true };
// Clear or select checkbox according to dropdown and attachments:
// Set Attachment checkbox if no attachments required, or if attachments are required and at least one is uploaded, otherwise clear it
function setFormAttachmentCheckbox() {
if (isFormAttachmentRequired()) {
if ($('#request-attachments-pool .upload-item').length) {
else {
else {
// Return true if dropdown option 'ABCD' is selected
function isFormAttachmentRequired() {
return $(formDropdownClass + ' a.nesty-input').attr('aria-expanded') &&
$(formDropdownClass + ' a.nesty-input').text() !=='';
// Select checkbox
function selectCheckbox(eltselector) {
$(eltselector).prop('checked', true);
// Clear checkbox
function clearCheckbox(eltselector) {
$(eltselector).prop('checked', false);
// If attachment checkbox field exists:
// Select the checkbox if attachment is not required
// Watch for changes to attachments and dropdown
if ($(attachmentCheckboxId).length) {
if (!isFormAttachmentRequired(formAttachmentDropdownClass)) {
startObserveMutations('#request-attachments-pool', formObserveMutationOptions, mutationObservedForm);
startObserveMutations(formDropdownClass, formObserveMutationOptions, mutationObservedForm);
// Adjust attachment error notification
var attachmentErrorElt = $('.' + attachmentCheckboxField + ' .notification-error');
if (attachmentErrorElt.length) {
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